Coffee & Personality; Are There Any Connections?

Putting the fact that coffee is a lot of people's favorite drink aside, it's fair to say that it has become a symbol of personal preference, routine, and even identity for many coffee lovers across the globe.

To my best knowledge and from experience, I think it's very possible to predict a person's personality or habit after observing their coffee rituals, flavors, and social dynamics surrounding coffee consumption after some time, but we can't be sure about what we think of them. People can sometimes be complex and multifaceted, and just their coffee drinking habits aren't enough to tell who they really are.

It's different when we enjoy coffee with someone every day; you can actually study them beyond coffee and tell a few things about them correctly, but with a stranger, we can't be too certain.

Let's assume that I walked past a harbor and saw Milly sipping her coffee outside her boat. It would be silly to just assume that she loves nature because she could have been there for another reason, but after reading her blog about coffee, you can actually tell that she enjoys her coffee better around nature.

Over the years, I have met coffee lovers physically and virtually, and their bond with coffee hits differently. They have differences and similarities in their practices with coffee, yet their personalities vary. Like I mentioned earlier, your coffee drinking habit can define you while it might not as well so I don't want to be rigid about my response to this spillthebeans prompt.

Sometimes last year, I went to an all-night gospel music concert ahead of my fellowship members. We were supposed to arrive there together, but things didn't work as planned.

It wasn't long before they joined me at the concert, and they were holding a branded disposable coffee cup. Before I could say anything, one of them said there was a coffee vendor outside, but they didn't buy mine because he knew I wouldn't drink it if I didn't see where the coffee was served or prepared.

"When it has to do with coffee, you pay too much attention to detail," one of them teased, and it became clear to me that somehow, my coffee practice around them the few times we had coffee together had given them an idea about me, and really, they were right.

Drinking coffee from vendors when I don't see where it was prepared is very difficult because I wouldn't stop thinking about the vendor's personal hygiene. It doesn't end with just coffee, and even though I am not the neatest person in the world, I place a lot of importance on personal hygiene, especially with food.

On the contrary, I know someone who loves to enjoy coffee alone, but that's the opposite of his personality. He doesn't like to watch movies/ football or study alone, he doesn't travel without a company, and I can count numerous things he doesn't do alone, but when it comes to coffee, he loves to enjoy it quietly.

As much as I believe that we can get an idea about people's personalities from their coffee drinking habits, we can't be too sure and should be careful with our assumptions so we don't make wrong judgments that can't be reversed.

All Images Are Mine

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