How to solve a problem with love and creativity

Greetings, dear coffee connoisseur friends. I am very happy to participate again in the weekly creative writing challenge. I take this opportunity to invite @numa26 to join, as I am told he is a good writer.


How to solve a problem with love and creativity

After a weekend in an island paradise full of festivities and celebrations referring to my new promotion, I feel like I drank an ocean of alcohol, completely forgetting about the world where I live and the surrounding reality. Finally, on Sunday when I arrived destroyed by my little bed, in the apartment I had recently rented by the company there I passed out completely losing consciousness until the radiant sun of Monday morning reminded me that I had to be in the office very early.

Still, with the effects of the hangover from all the drinks I drank and with my body aching from the endless nights of unbridled dancing, I wake up between asleep and awake, dragging my steps, I go straight to the kitchen, past the Quiché and turn on my coffee grinder in the hope that this aromatic and healing drink that I love so much, will finish brightening my day today, completely removing the shadow of the effects of the party.

It is at that moment when misfortune knocks on my door, I have realized that I have no coffee beans to prepare my delicious drink this morning, apparently in my anguish about going to a party I completely forgot to do the grocery shopping to have the kitchen stocked, it's either that or my sister entered my apartment, as usual, to take my things without permission, anyway, my confused mind is still trying to organize itself to find a solution to this dilemma, right at that moment a memory It shakes my mind like an earthquake that pierces to the depths, I need to get to the office at 8:15 A.M. Since they confirmed that the general manager will visit the company's branch today, to meet with me and explain the new position to which I was promoted.

I can't afford to arrive sleepy and much less late, for me, this morning's meeting is one of the most important things I have to do in my new life journey at work, imagine, what a disappointment for my bosses, that just a day like today I'm not on time or even worse asleep and looking drunk to listen to the instructions.


My brain was trying to analyze the situation and how to solve it very quickly, although in its slowness it continued to look like the Windows Vista system rebooting, obviously I was not with all my capabilities due to the late night I was carrying, so, for a few minutes, I start to review all delivery options available, and I see that I can not solve this severe problem, since all stores and cafés are open until after 8:30 am in this strange city where it seems that no one likes to work early, you know things very typical of European culture. m. in this strange city where apparently nobody likes to work early, you know very typical things of the European culture that I still do not assimilate well. With no other alternative, I grab my cell phone and start scanning through my contact list, praying to the heavens for a creative idea.

Fortunately, I stumble upon Ruben's phone number, I know that my friend is a very delicate, hardworking and organized person, and by the way, I think he is in love with me too, so since I have often gone with him to his compact car, I know he usually carries a thermos of coffee well stocked to last him all day, without thinking twice I put into action my plan using all my influence as a beautiful woman, to persuade and convince him without knowing it to get me out of this mess.

I call this guy and tell him: Look Ruben, today I need to lend the car to my sister since she has some needs to do, I want to go with you to work if it is not a bother, please if you can, I would like you to pick me up since I have to be at the company before the general manager arrives, I take the opportunity and confirm that my wish is fulfilled, and I remind him emphatically, but with a romantic and persuasive tone, don't forget to bring that delicious coffee that you prepare, I want to try again that exquisite bean you told me about, so I'll see you in a little while, and we will enjoy this drink together while we go to work.

The sound of the bugle of the European car arrived exactly at the time I needed, apparently, all French people are very punctual, it was 8:00 in the morning and Ruben was already at the door of my apartment looking for me, to enjoy together that delicious mixed bean coffee that he normally selects to prepare this delicious drink. This is how my first day in the promotion to the new job will be a success, with this announcement of enjoying an excellent quality coffee next to a glamorous man, we will see where destiny takes us.


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