Cinnamon Cup Coffee at Kedleston Hall

We visited the National Trust property, Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire which is an 18th century mansion with an extensive parkland.

After our walk, we popped into their restaurant. It's always good to put back the calories that you've just walked off! There was an outdoor seating area with some great views over the estate.

After we read they'd got a wasp issue we decided to play safe and sit inside. I don't kill anything but I don't want a wasp in my soup either!

My brother had a Hunter's Chicken Stew and a latte and I settled for a jacket potato with cheese, dressed leaves and coleslaw and a black americano. I don't like the 'plastic fantastic' coleslaw you get in supermarkets, but this was homemade and really tasty.

There was lots of homemade or locally sourced food and beers to buy.

According to the National Trust Website, the restaurant was once Kedleston's Great Kitchen where kitchen staff prepared the food and cooked for the Curzon family, back in the day. There is still a lot of the brass and crockery on show. The restaurant had your usual snack like food but it tasted good and the price was reasonable .... and not a wasp in sight!

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