The Caribbean Coffee

Charles, a short dark man with a bald head, entered into a coffee shop across the street. He wore a denim jacket and had a polka dots bow tie nodded on it.He sniffed the air and nodded as if he had finally located what was haunting him. His smile flickered across his face like a hologram as he grabbed a seat beside the door.

"Two cups of Caribbean Coffee" he said to the waiter and fondled his fingers impatiently. He was in a haste to catch up with the bus that was heading to Spain.

"Mr. Charles, we keep to time, a minute late and you'll miss the bus" Donald, the bus driver had told him a day before.

He held his briefcase as he gulped the coffee in a hurry. Suddenly, the music playing in the background seems to have changed its rhythms. He held the cup of coffee in his hands moving his body slightly to the rhymes of the song and singing along. All he wanted at that moment was to be happy, and listening to the music gave him some amount of serenity. Softly he kept singing along, then his voice grew louder until he was literally shouting at the top of his voice.

"I knew a guy wearing a bow tie on a denim jacket is never normal," an old lady who was sitting next to him mumbled.

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As he sat there singing to the rhymes of the song, suddenly his eyes went to the direction of the large wall clock.

"2:00pm?" His eyes became bulgy left in shock, he couldn't believe he lost track of time. The last thing he remembered was drinking the Caribbean Coffee in a hurry to meet up with the time.

"Four hours late?" He mumbled as he walked out quietly with his briefcase. He knew he was late and Donald never lied about his time.

Was it the music? Or was it coffee?He thought dazed about what really happened feeling disappointed in himself. As he walked a few meters from the coffee shop, he noticed the same people who were drinking coffee in the same coffee shop rushing out, they also missed their buses. He chuckled, "it was not the music, maybe we were not true to ourselves while drinking the coffee" he said.

@iyimoga and @deraaa

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