End of the year race

Edited in Canva

There were only a few days left until the end of the school year, the excitement of the fifth year students was very great, since they were finally going to say goodbye to high school, however, they still had a great end of year race, in order to see who would get a pack of coffee brought from Europe and some physical money, being a great prize, my group of friends will be my rival on the day of the race, and it is estimated to be a very difficult race.

Days before the race, a registration had to be done in order to keep track and agree on the rules of the event. In addition, many people were looking at the coffee package, as if it was the last one in the world, many said they were going to sell it, others said they were going to keep it as a souvenir, my best friend was going to consume it and I wanted to give it to my mom.

The race was exciting and I was surprised by the amount of people that were there, without a doubt my hands started to sweat and I could not stay still, I saw everyone as my enemies, until the whistle blew and I started to run, I felt like a flash, I dodged every obstacle with great care, my eyes straight ahead and without losing sight.

My friends took a big advantage of me and took the lead for a few meters, I felt that I was staying last in the race, I increased the pace, as I wanted that coffee. However, on one side, the ambulance passed me and I noticed that some of my friends tripped and fell, causing some damage and that allowed me to take the lead, I continued and noticed another one that had gotten tired from not drinking water and another one stopped to tie his shoes, I felt the prize in my hands.


I managed to get among the 10 competitors to qualify for the second round of the race, no doubt I managed to be fifth in the table, my heart would not stop beating because I was so tired, I sat down and took some air, while I drank some coffee, since they only had a few hours to rest and compete in the final race. I watched as everyone was tired, but they were not going to stop fighting until the last second. We all looked at each other's faces and said good luck to each other.

This time the race was in a circuit, full of obstacles, traps and only one could be victorious from there, again I tied my shoes and went to the waiting line, at the end of the competitors I noticed a girl who was studying with me and I was surprised to see her there competing. It started, I did not know where to get me, so I went to the middle of the circuit, I had to climb a wall, get a puddle lake, which looked like a large pool of coffee, and many other things that are there in the race, everyone was tired, dirty everything is for that prize.

There was only one circuit left, which was to assemble a kind of puzzle and in that way to get a key that allowed me to open the box where the prize was, the sweat ran down my forehead, I was tired, my arms hurt and to assemble it was eternal, The only one left was the girl who studied with me, since the others gave up halfway, I looked at her and she kept smiling at me, I thought it was a form of distraction, so I didn't look at her anymore, each piece of the puzzle didn't fit, I was getting desperate.

Both spent several minutes and no one managed to put it together, the public did not stop shouting, both young people were seen again, but this time I was distracted and I could not resist seeing that face, which managed to put the last piece and get to open the box, I reacted, but it was too late and I had already lost the race. The whistle blew and I fell to the floor, as fatigue got the better of me.


They gave the prizes, to the third place a package of coffee, to the second place a day to choose whatever he wanted in the school cafeteria, while the girl was crowned with her money and that package of coffee from Europe, we both hugged each other, since that was the last time we were going to compete in that race at the end of the year, since next year we will be in college. Without a doubt I said goodbye to each of the participants and went home a little sad, however, my mom told me that in life sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

Hours later I heard a knock on the door of my house and noticed it was the girl I had competed with, so I was a little surprised. Without a doubt it was the best visit, as she gave me the package of coffee she won in the race, as she did not like coffee and I watched you several times before the race drinking coffee, so I thought of you. This young man was very happy and invited her to the coffee shop for some sweets, as he had a day of consumption. It was the best race for both of them and from there, every time they race at the high school, they attend, to remember when they ran in the end of the year race.


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