Coffee and chocolate cake with my mother


This month of May is a very special month for everyone, since today Sunday May 12th is celebrated Mother's Day in Venezuela and in many other parts of the world, so it is something very nice to commemorate that great woman as it is our dear mother. My mom is the best, she has accompanied me from the first day I was born until now, we have built and created great moments together, and no doubt today is a very special day for her, so we wanted to give her a great gift and what better way than a great family outing to honor her day and that my mother felt happy and content, so she is also very fond of coffee and in the afternoon we went to celebrate with coffee, cake, laughter on Mother's Day.

My mom, as always was very happy, happy and that big smile that always characterizes her, therefore we went to a coffee shop that is by the avenues here in my city, for being well known and offer the best coffees and desserts, several times I have shared it here with you and we always get a big surprise. We went in the afternoon and the cafeteria was a little crowded because it was a big important day and to see all those mothers there having a good coffee, luckily we asked for a table for the four of us, since this time we were my dad, my brother, my mother and myself to enjoy a coffee. Besides, the queen of the house, as my mom is, was the one who was going to choose a sweet and a coffee especially for her, and that way we could spoil her on her day.


We were all happy to be able to share with the family and have an incredible time, so we were very attentive to the menu and saw the prices and the products that were available, they also had some special promotions for Mother's Day and the cafeteria was always giving the best. After reviewing, my mom decided to order a traditional latte, being something very simple, small, however, my mother, just by being there with us, was already very happy, since the smallest detail makes her happy. The rest of us ordered the same coffee with milk and my dad ordered a large glass of coffee with chocolate, since he had never tried it before and it was undoubtedly a great choice, since everything looked very tasty and in just a few minutes, we had everything on the table and my mother once again thanked us for this great gesture.



The sweet for this occasion was a rich chocolate cake with a melted chocolate cover and as chocolate lovers it was very rich, it also came chopped in several pieces and was perfect to share and have a great time in a mini sharing for Mother's Day. I really liked the cake, as it was fresh, moist and with a great flavor that made me keep eating more of that chocolate cake, also the combination between the coffee with milk and the cake were unique and it had been a while since I had eaten something like that. We noticed how my mother enjoyed every second there with us and it was the happiest and most content moment for all of us, since a coffee with a cake will always be the most delicious and perfect thing that exists in this life.

We all had a wonderful time on our little family outing and especially to see my mother very happy and content on her mother's day, being the best mom I have and for being there at every moment. We stayed a while longer in the cafeteria chatting for a while, then we went home and once again we were happy with the great attention and kindness that this place offers us, so if you are looking for a coffee and a sweet to celebrate or give you a little treat do not hesitate to visit it.


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Photos taken with an Iphone 7 3.png


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