A trip to the coffee shop

Antonio had planned to go out for a walk to meet his best friend in the cafeteria where they always met, but to his surprise there were threats of rain in the city, the sky was Cloud cover very dark, thunder could be heard in the distance, a cold that he felt running through his body, so much so that his glasses were fogging up because of the humidity. For Antonio it was going to be a challenge to arrive just in time, since it was very far from his home and he had to take the Runaway train to get there, many had told him that this train had failures during the trip, even if he had to risk to take it, since it was the only option to see his friend.

His spirits were not the best, he was a little scared, he had his eyes to the ground, he did not want to see anyone and much less listen to all those people, talking and laughing inside the train. He sat in the last seat away from everyone, he had a better view of the scenery, he noticed how people were getting on, others were shouting. Suddenly a man looked at him waiting for him to give way. I noticed that in his hand he was carrying a toolbox, without telling him, I thought he was a blacksmith.


It began to drizzle, the out of control train began to slow down, something that he did not understand and seemed very strange to this young man, also very loud noises were heard in the back, he wondered "Is this going to be the end of me, I won't be able to get to the cafeteria, and many other things that he thought in that moment of anguish. Antonio kept calm, but he could not continue sitting in that position, the noise was very loud, uncomfortable and his back was hurting. The rain was getting heavier and heavier.

While the blacksmith, who greeted him as he entered, and the conductor were trying to fix the out-of-control train, he decided to walk, he began to feel sad, since he would not be able to get to the cafeteria on time and would look bad to his friend. Antonio walked from one side to the other and there was nothing that could repair the train, so he got back on the train to listen to music and wait.

Antonio for a moment regretted leaving home and making the decision to get on that train, because he thought that in a matter of minutes he would be enjoying that delicious coffee in the company of his friend, but it was not like that. Suddenly he felt the train move, it was a moment of great joy and happiness because he was finally going to reach his destination, he was still worried about the time, he did not know if his friend was still waiting.

He saw in the distance of the road a lamppost that indicated that this was the train station, he said goodbye and thanked the blacksmith, because without him his trip would not have been possible, for a good gesture I gave him a coffee milkshake, I was very sure that he earned it for his work. As he was running to get to the coffee shop he tripped over a can of painting that was on the sidewalk of the street, causing him to hit it very hard. The blacksmith realized what had happened to him and immediately helped him, as he knew he was in a hurry.

Antonio was stained with paint, late for the hour, wet, a mess, and he wondered what will happen to me now, he decided to go buy a jacket to cover himself a little, so he wouldn't arrive dirty to the cafeteria and so he could finish with that trip full of unexpected events that started very early. He noticed that his phone had broken when he tripped over the paint and fell on the sidewalk, he was totally lost, the only thing he wanted was to go back home and look in the toolshed, his TV and sit down to watch the World Cup.


He finally arrived at the cafeteria, sighed, took a breath and entered, there were many people, but he did not find his friend, so he approached the bar, ordered a coffee and sat down to wait. The hours passed very quickly, people began to leave, it was time to close the cafeteria, leaving only Antonio, he paid his coffee and left without saying anything, he walked very sad about everything that had happened, since he made that trip to the cafeteria and could not meet with his best friend.

That day was the worst day for Antonio, he was all tired, sore, so he went to the train station, again sitting in the same seat, he put on his headphones, bought a coffee milkshake and started to look out the window, remembering all the sacrifice he made during all this trip to the cafeteria, for nothing.


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I hope you liked this little story, this was my participation.

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