The unraveling of coffee serial killer

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In the dead of night when the phone rang, with his eyes barely opened, Riley reluctantly answered it, not checking the caller ID. The call was from Craig, the police chief. It was short and precise enough to jolt him awake. He dressed up quickly and rode his bike to the scene.

Arriving at the scene, the street was crowded with police cars, firefighter's trucks and paramedics. Some of the officers recognised him and allowed him into the apartment. At the end of the corner was Craig, the police chief. He waved at Riley to come on over. "I'm sorry for calling you this late but you need to see this."

Riley bent over the first body by the door, moved over to the other one on the sofa and looked around the apartment. He leaned over one of the bodies and sniffed —coffee.

Other police officers observed in silence as the retired, once golden boy of the force, now turned construction company owner, worked the scene. Riley informed the police chief of his findings.."You are right. But this a copycat," he revealed.

"Copycat? Doesn't this fit the profile of the serial coffee killer?" Craig asked.

"Yea, it does but some things don't add up. I hope you haven't said anything to the press yet. We would not want to cause a panic."

"No, I haven't."

The bodies were burnt to a crisp but Riley was able to deduce what happened. He went ahead and explained his theory.

"The first victim let in the killer into the apartment unknowingly and by the time she realised, it was too late. She was shot immediately with a 9 millimetre between the eyes and died instantly. The lady on the sofa tried to make a run for it but she was killed with a single shot to the chest," Riley explained as he pointed to the corpse close to the sofa. "This killer tortured and killed this man on the sofa before setting the bodies on fire to bury evidence or……"

"Or the first victim was an accomplice and the killer shot her to cover his tracks?" Someone unexpectedly retorted behind them.

Riley turned back and saw a female detective behind him. Craig introduced them. "This is Detective Rose. She'll be working with you on this case."

Riley looked past her and moved to where the first victim laid, pointing to the floor close to the body. "Here are drag marks from the door to show the killer pulled her in after he shot her to enable him close the door behind him."

Rose wanted to object but Riley raised his hand calling for silence. He asked, "Can you hear that?"

Rose answered, irritated. "No! And you can't just....."

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention but If everyone wants to live to see another day, now will be the time to move out, fast!!"

The police officers stood, looking confused.

"Bomb!!" screamed Riley.

There was a bit of commotion and when everyone was scrambling out, the bomb went off. The apartment went up in flames. Thankfully everyone rushed out in time and only a few sustained minor injuries.

The police chief looked around for Riley to thank him but couldn't find him anywhere. He asked the officers around him if they saw him exit the building before it exploded. Some of them pointed in the direction of the car park. "We saw him running in that direction."

After a few minutes, Riley came back panting and covered in blood. He collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.

The next morning, Riley woke up to cops around him beaming and happy to see him. "Come on guys, it's just a flesh wound. I'm not going to die."

Craig and Rose stepped forward, "you just went through surgery and 9-millimetre calibres were pulled out from your chest. You were lucky. That said, please excuse us, everyone."

When they were alone, Rose and Craig listened attentively as Riley related what happened to him. "Before the blast, I was able to confirm your suspicion.

There was a strong smell of coffee on the male victim on the sofa which is the modus of our coffee serial killer but what made me suspect that this killer is a copycat was the way he tortured the victim. Very rash and unlike the serial coffee killer. It looked personal, like a vendetta against the victim whereas the real coffee serial killer murdered at random without emotions attached. And for good measure, this killer planted a locally made bomb in the male victim and left it for us. I believe we're the intended target. I knew the bomber was nearby because the bomb went off when we were all supposed to be in. So I made a survey of the environment and amongst the crowd, I saw a man smiling and admiring his work. He saw me and ran. I caught up to him and during the struggle, I pulled off his ID card. Unfortunately he shot me and ran away."

"So did you get a good look at him?" Rose asked

"He is in his thirties, heavily built and about 6ft 5 tall. So definitely not our coffee serial killer but a copycat. Our serial killer should be in his 70s now and yesterday's killer wasn't. Head back to the scene, check behind the dumpster where we fought, I tossed his ID card behind one of them."

Craig thanked him for saving their lives and dispatched a team to the scene before leaving with Rose.

Riley woke up later in the day to the news on the TV that the killer had been arrested together with his 72-year-old father who is believed to be the original coffee bean killer. As if on cue, the police chief walked in.

"I believe you have seen the news?" Craig asked. "We couldn't have done it without your help Riley. They both spilt the beans and confessed to the crimes."

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