Dreamer Coffee โ˜•๏ธ - The Garden of The "Dreamers" ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ

Hello friends. How is your day going?

We are so busy looking for big things that we forget that happiness is in the little things every day. No matter how messy the work, how difficult life is, you should try your best and cherish every minute you have because time is an extremely precious thing. Once it's gone, it can never be regained. Enjoy the simple things going on around us, watch the everyday scenes.


Today I will take you to a new stop with a poetic style, a place that contains interesting things with a peaceful and unique space in the city I live in!



The place I want to mention is Dreamer Coffee - it is known as the garden of "dreamers". In a modern society with a busy and hectic life, moments of relaxation and tranquility are hard to find. Dreamer Coffee will be the place to bring you moments of complete rest with simple and rustic spaces, and you will be immersed in the fresh nature.


Dreamer Coffee - The Garden of The "Dreamers"


Address: 230/2 Nguyen Cong Tru, Son Tra, Da Nang.

Dreamer Coffee is both a coffee shop and a beer garden. It is very specially designed. Dreamer Coffee has both the style of nature when surrounded by a garden with many lush green trees, countless ornamental plants, large and small, adding to the poetic beauty of the shop. It also has the poetic style of small wooden houses with full of warmth. Immersing in the atmosphere here is like being in the middle of a magical natural world.






Dreamer Coffee has 2 outdoor spaces and inside wooden houses. The outside space will help you enjoy the peace and breathe in the fresh air. Just looking at the white chrysanthemums is enough to make you feel at ease. Inside the small house is a space for you to warm your cold heart because the main yellow color in the wooden house makes us feel warmer. You can also choose for yourself a small corner to sit and work because it is quite quiet here.




What's better than sitting and sipping a cup of coffee in a wooden house and thinking about happy things with your loved one, while outside, it's pouring rain, . Do you feel like time is standing still at that moment, life is more and more complete?



I visited the shop on a cold winter day but felt the warmth of being at "Dreamer". I have dropped myself into this dreamy space and put my sorrows aside to be a "dreamer" in this peaceful place!



At Dreamer Coffee, you will find your own silence and also share the best moments there. Here, every corner from the inside to the outside gives you countless beautiful photos, just turn on the camera to have beautiful photos.









At Dreamer I also discovered a very cute black kitten, apparently this cat is the pet of the shop. It's wearing a small shirt, just looking at it makes me want to stroke it. I held it in my arms and noticed that the cat seems to be very active :v, it seems that anyone can hug and play with it when coming here. I bet you just reach out and the cat will jump on top of you to be petted. It seems that the cat is always feeling new and interested in the things around him, including the people who come to this cafe.




Every little corner in the shop has its own beauty. Everything looks very rustic, but when combined, it creates a very special beauty of a poetic cafe in the bustling city of Da Nang.

When I come to Dreamer Coffee, I feel like entering a miniature Da Lat city partly because the decoration of the cafe is bold in the style of Da Lat and partly because the current weather in Da Nang is quite cold like Da Lat.




"Fascinated" with the drink taste of Dreamer Coffee

A rather strange point that I noticed when coming to Dreamer Coffee is the Bar. In other cafes, the ordering counter will usually be located in the house with the counter. However, at Dreamer, the order counter is located in an outdoor space, and the shop uses a small car to make drinks. It may seem small, but this is a place that offers a wide variety of drinks, enough to serve hundreds of people. It's amazing, isn't it!




The menu of the cafe is quite diverse, including a variety of drinks and cakes. In addition to coffee, the shop also has tea, juice, beer, cider, etc. It is not simply a coffee shop, here you can also enjoy glasses of beer and cider with fruits. , that helps guests can chill in this romantic setting.



Stop by Dreamer Coffee to think, then dream. Lean back on the wooden chair, look at the blue sky, take a deep breath to feel winter has come. The weather these days really knows how to please people, so we also have to please ourselves a little, right?


If you are currently looking for a "chill" place, then Dreamer Coffee will be a great suggestion. I believe this will be the ideal place to help you satisfy your "passion" and enjoy peaceful moments here.

Thank you for reading my post, have a nice day โค๏ธ!

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