My Coffee Morning Routines

Hello friends, Hivians, and of course coffee lovers ☕ Today I take on a prompt provided by the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community via the Spill The Beans Prompt: Week 78. I will take you through my morning routines and answer a few questions about when and how I get it on with my hot cup of joe ❤️

Every morning I wake up it all starts right here with my Mr. Coffee machine. On the weekends my first brush with it is to add water in the reservoir, place a filter in it and than add the coffee grains. A little different during the work week as I do this the night before so all I have to do in the morning is turn it on.

When do I start having my coffee?

I'll give you the answer right up front, as soon as I can pour it into my mug. I don't take a shower first or have to be fully dressed. I don't need to be all that presentable to get that first sip down the hatch, hehe. After all the first cup doesn't care and always shows it's affection to me the same way every day. So what I'm wearing when I roll out of bed is what I'm wearing. No I don't sleep commando so don't paint that picture 😂 I'll just say that I often cover up with a throw blanket when I plump down on the couch.

After I'm situated I will turn on the T.V. and catch some local & world news. During the weekends I'll get a little comfortable and most likely finish the first cup while I'm thinking about what I want to make for breakfast. The weekdays I do a little bit of multi-tasking and breakfast has to be simple and quick. Have to apply a little time management 😁

Do you have coffee with your breakfast?

So coffee drinking goes on before, during and most likely even after breakfast. The above was what I decided to make today. What you see is a bacon, mushroom, onion and cheese omelette. The mushrooms I cooked in butter and garlic. I paired it with some multi grain whole wheat toast and a dish of peaches. I tell you it was a hearty delicious breakfast. I also tell you nothing goes with breakfast quite like a hot cup of coffee. When breakfast is done and all of it made it to its intended place you have to wash it down with some more coffee right? ☕ 👍

How long do these rituals typically last?

On the weekends it often happens for a good two hours. During the week days it's usually an hour unless I spring up earlier, hehe. So do I drink coffee after a shower and fully dressed? Yes, but usually just on the week days. I will fill up my to go Bubba to the rim with coffee. It will accompany me at work and often last the first hour there as I usually do administrative things to start the day.

I hope you enjoyed my very routine coffee rituals. I guess I am a creature of habit when it comes to coffee, haha. What about you, are you coffee addict like me that has a certain ritual to coffee in the morning?

Well coffee is all drank and another morning awaits which will be much like any other. Take care, stay safe and let's start the new week off with a coffee! Until next time 😁

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