Coffee and Banana a love story from the Colombian Mountains

A few months ago, I came to live in the mountains of my country, it was a huge change, since I've always lived in the city, but I'll tell that story another day.

when I arrived here I see something that I did not expect and that is that the Banana is sown together with the Caffe, it is not something simple, because the banana is from hot soil and the Caffe from cold Soil..

Usually the banana is grown in dry soil and the caffe in wet soil, as two different plants can coexist, The answer is simple, The same soil provides for both.

To compensate for the temperature, farmers usually cover the bananas with a plastic, usually blue or green, this prevents the birds from landing and eating the fruit and also causes the banana to have 6 degrees of additional temperature.

Finally, when the banana reaches its shekel of life, it serves as food for pigs..

Reflect on this:

If the Banana and the Coffee can coexist on the same earth being completely different, why humans will not do it.?

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