My Mushroom Coffee Journey

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share my recent discovery: mushroom coffee!


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My Mushroom Coffee Journey

Mushroom coffee.. sound gross?! Well I thought so as well initially.

I first got this as a Fathers Day present last year, my wife heard about it and she knew that I liked to drink coffee so we gave it a try. She is repulsed by the thought of mushrooms and coffee but knew that I will try almost anything, with some limited exceptions of course, so we gave it a whirl. I will say, that I am hooked! In a very good way!

The ingredients, and reported benefits, of the coffee are:

  • Cordyceps - Energy
  • Reishi - Stress relief
  • Lion's Mane - Focus
  • Shiitake - Immune support
  • Turkey Tail - Healthy Digestion
  • King Trumpet - Fights Oxidative Stress


The interesting thing about it is that I liked the flavor at first. Yeah you get that initial jolt the first few times you drink it, much the same way that coffee will do that to you as well the first few times. It's our bodies trying to figure out what it is and get used to it.

The smell? It's really not bad! It's got a really pleasant aroma. It's not super strong the way coffee is, where you can immediately smell the floating aroma of the dried and ground coffee beans seductively tickling your nostrils, pulling you towards it. With the mushroom coffee, it's got a very mellow aroma that you can mainly smell if you are opening the bag. It is a nice aroma, where it smells like fresh mushrooms after you slice them. In a way it smells like a mild chocolate bar, where you faintly smell it from outside the wrapper but not as strong as once you bite into it.


The taste of it is very enjoyable as well. I can manage a cup of bean coffee without anything added to it, but I do prefer to add some milk to it for the richness.

The mushroom coffee however, I completely prefer it without anything else added to it! The mild chocolate aroma comes through when you are drinking it, and then it hits you with the earthy, mushroom flavor. It's not an offensive flavor at all, or bitter. Bean coffee is definitely one that is a little challenging to get used to because it has a dark bitterness that will offend the persons mouth the first few times they consume it. With mushroom coffee though, it gently rolls around in your mouth and massages your taste buds with a warm touch, not a sharp jolt.

Can you drink it with things like milk, sugar, honey and others? For sure! I honestly think though that it's not needed at all! I have tried it with milk, and it adds an interesting mixture and makes it almost like a bit of a milk shake more than anything.


When you are consuming the mushroom coffee, you don't do a drip style like you do conventional coffee. With mushroom coffee, you toss the stuff right into the cup of hot water! I think this makes the difference for sure because it not only adds the flavors and ground up mushroom to the water itself, it also adds it to your stomach as you are digesting it.

With ground coffee, you are extracting the fine particles of the coffee and adding it to the water, leaving the grounds behind. With the mushroom, all of it goes right down the hatch! Take it like a shot! I think this adds a different and interesting element to the mushroom coffee experience.

One of the important things to do with the coffee is to constantly stir it before you are drinking it. This makes sure that you get all the goodness and don't leave anything behind at the bottom of the cup! This is similar to how kombucha works, and other things where the benefits and particulates of the substance are in the liquid instead of extracting it and leaving stuff behind.


This has been one of the best additions to my health arsenal! I didn't realize it at the time, but I have much more balanced energy, motivation, cognitive ability and a better stomach. The combination of the 6 different mushrooms in this blend are wonderful!

I had been looking for something to add to my daily routine that helps in a lot of ways but not necessarily a pill or some shit like that. Those are okay and serve their purpose but if you can accomplish a bunch of different things by consuming something like a coffee drink, then I'm more for that type of thing. With the litany of health benefits for each mushroom, I feel like this is a far superior way of getting all the micro and macro nutrients into a cup of the coffee versus doing targeted focus of a select number of vitamins and things like that.

Don't get me wrong, those targeted styles have their purpose but for me and what I needed, this is a much better way to support my whole body!

I have no affiliation with them besides buying their awesome products, so if you'd like to give it a try here is the link!


What about you, have you tried an alternative style of coffee like mushroom? How do you like it? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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