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Impressed by a coffee.


Hi I'm Gina and I'm going to tell you something that happened to me, the truth is I still can't believe it, but this week strangely my best friend Will has asked me a huge favour, to impress a girl who loves coffee.

Will is my best friend, since we started our first art class, we share books, sketches, music, but never a cup of coffee, because my friend doesn't like it and every time we visit a place, I drink my beloved coffee and he drinks any smothies or sodas, not counting the times he asks for a glass of milk to dip his chocolate donuts.

Will has surprised me with this favour, I thought he didn't like any female companion and much less if he loves coffee, but since friend is friend, I have arranged this morning while having breakfast at home to give them my best suggestions, related to coffee and thus to get my best friend to impress this singular lady.

I say singular, because my friend describes her as very romantic, dreamy and a lover of a good coffee, always accompanied by the best company, the truth is still surprised, Will makes me smile with his witticisms, although I think he is a little nervous with this situation.


So this afternoon in class I shared with him some suggestions related to coffee, I left him a list of some coffee shops where they exhibit art pieces and also coffee shops where you can enjoy good music, although he knows most of them, I always ask him to visit a coffee shop together and although he doesn't enjoy coffee, we enjoy each other's company to the fullest.

He knows, although he doesn't like this drink, that there is no better place to have a date, than in a coffee shop, that really was my first suggestion, I also suggested him to let the girl order her coffee, I think that if it was my date I would love to go to a new coffee shop which I haven't visited, but it looks promising.

I think a good date starts with a nice cup of coffee, well that would be ideal for coffee lovers, but for Will it is difficult for me to visualize this scene, however I never hesitate to share my suggestions and give them the best recommendations, because he is my best friend and I love to see him happy.

This day after a long week Will will have his date, that makes me tense, because I want everything to go well, although my jealousy as a friend is present, because Will is very special to me, he is the one who listens to my endless talks about art and serves me lots of cups of coffee.


I know that visiting that coffee shop will impress that girl, my friend maybe at the end of it all, enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, love can do anything, when leaving the class, he told me that he has invited the girl to the coffee shop, I noticed him a bit nervous and anxious, I hugged him tight and told him that everything will be fine.

Will went to his appointment and I stayed in the library of the faculty, a bit bored but that's the way the games of life are, while I was taking out my notebook, I realized that my phone was off and when I turned it on I had a strange message, where I was invited to the cafeteria that I had suggested to Will.

Nothing made sense, but victim of loneliness I accepted and went to the coffee shop, I walked a few blocks it was hot, so my glasses were not much use, thanks to the universe I had my headphones and I could enjoy good music while I arrived, when I entered the coffee shop it was just as I imagined it, a beautiful place to enjoy coffee and good company.

I looked around and nobody seemed to be waiting for me, I felt a bit silly, a waiter approached me and asked my name, I told him my name was Gina, he enthusiastic young man asked me to sit at a table at the end of the wall, he gave me the menu and waited for my order, so being there while waiting for that secret person, I ordered a delicious espresso, a croissant, a piece of blackberry pie, a chocolate donut with blackberry syrup and a butter biscuit with a cherry centre.


Yes it was excessive, but everything on the menu read delicious, the young waiter took a few minutes and served me everything on the table, while I took my cup of coffee, my phone rang, someone again wrote me "beautiful young romantic and coffee lover, I am afraid that you do not reciprocate my love, I have spent a week planning this surprise meeting, but I do not want to lose your friendship, I know that a cup of coffee will make you feel that I really die for you with love Will.

Surprised and with my heart pounding in my throat, I continued enjoying my adored coffee, life had surprised me, Will felt for me something stronger than a friends love, I had never thought about it, this man has really impressed me, I don't know if he is out there looking at me from afar, but while I wait I will continue enjoying my cup of coffee.


Story of my authorship
Own illustration made on painted paper with coffee and watercolours exclusively for this publication @cirangela, did not authorize its use or modification.
