The Drink Of Life The everyday essential

Coffee has so much taste, aroma and possibility all crammed into a single bean.

For some coffee is an ordinary drink for me it is A drink that gets me ready, it keeps me focused and it makes me who I am. I often have a coffee once a day sometimes a few times it depends on how the day unfolds and whether I can spare the money at the coffee shops or have time at home to make a cup and consume before tasks.

For me, coffee is the new breakfast, the ritual to start the day but I can have it whatever time of day it is my will, the willingness to drink up and crack on with the day.


I associate coffee with socialising and relaxing but also I drink it before a workout, before and during the time spent on the computer writing. For me I don't drink just for the effect I drink for the taste, the experience and enjoyment.


Coffee shops are everywhere all over the globe. In are in every airport, train station, gas station you name a place there is bound to be some form of coffee shop there.


For me, coffee is simply A drink for those who seek to find a way to make their day divine. Coffee is not a simple drink though it is so much more, from growing on farms around the world, the roasting and getting that bean to perfection and then yielding the maximum potential of flavour and aroma into the small cup for one's enjoyment.

With that, I conclude today's post. This post was inspired by the #spillthebeans tag.

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