The secret told to me by the coffee plants

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...and Jesus asked them to fill some huge buckets with water and passing his hand over them he turned the water into coffee to liven up a wedding party.

My pupils dilated and even a tear came to my eye when I heard the little plant tell me the true version of the bible story.

So I'll tell you something, my friend: the answer to all the questions that humanity has is in the coffee.

With my eyes wide open and my notebook that said on the cover label: Logbook of subject 1 under study, I left the lab. I felt agitated, my heart rate was going through another accelerated revolution and I didn't know what to do with so much information.

Chapter I. The Formula

A few months ago in my laboratory studying world botany, we analyzed a group of coffee plants brought from South America. The plants, when given chemicals in their roots, were able to communicate perfectly with humans. So I opened a study group and subject 1 began to tell the story of the coffee plants that were on planet earth since the beginning of time. According to the plant in its leaves is the genetic information from the first molecules that formed life on the planet. This is impressive.


Chapter II. What the plant had to say

I spent a lot of time attached to that plant and she told me everything. We had a great connection, she would tell me amazing stories of her ancestors and I would wipe her leaves with Vaseline as I listened in amazement to everything she had to say.

Basically all she was telling me was that coffee plants were in every single historical event of mankind. They accompanied man in the evolution and gave mankind the energy and strength they required for their civilizations to be powerful.

The megalopolis that Plato told us about was built thanks to coffee and its properties. A whole powerful and perfectly structured continent thanks to those roasted coffee beans that were fuel for people and machines.

The pyramids of Egypt were built thanks to the strength and intelligence developed thanks to coffee. So much potential hidden in its small leaves.

He interpreted to me with his thick and effeminate voice what the forbidden gospel the Judas said in its old and worn out leaves: whatever you have to solve, solve it with coffee.

He mentioned how coffee has been used in medicine since millenary times: on the feet to lower fever, on the skin to clean it and make it beautiful and in the company of any medicine to speed up its effect on the organism.

Chapter III. The decision

I left the laboratory completely convinced that coffee was, is and will be the solution to all the world's problems.

I went into the building's cafeteria and ordered a latte. I sat down to drink it while my mind processed it all.

My right hand held my steaming cup of the precious liquid, which now after knowing how important that one seems to be drinking a sacred beverage.
My left hand held my notebook. I knew that if all this came out publicly my career would skyrocket to fame and we botanists would have great support from all over the world. But I also knew that they would torture those coffee plants to no end and that scared me, subject 1 and I were friends.

Between sips I thought that both the Lost Containers and the Egyptians did not know how to handle the power of coffee and ended up exterminating their civilizations. I would not allow that to happen to my civilization.

I took a deep breath and made up my mind to hide all this, I would not say anything to anyone. I ran to the lab and stole all the research information, including subject 1 that I planned to release in the salvo.

I found a crypt in the local cemetery and in the ground I dug a deep hole and buried everything.

My civilization is not ready to have all the answers little friend, let's go home!

I retreated home with my new and wise friend, to write a failed experiment report.
write a failed experiment report.




Original content by the author.
Resources: App: Canva / Giphy / Inshot
📷 Redmi 10 Smartphone
Translation done with
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