At work, recovering, another night, another coffee. Cheers to your health though.

Its been a long week and im reminded of how it feels to not be 100%. In this small time frame that is our lifetime. Compared to the age of the earth. Questions of the universe. Here i am, in the blink of an eye, a man on a mission. Lookin for a fish because im fishin.


Let me get this coffee started though. A solid brand from Hawaii, called Kauai Coffee. Just a K cup, nothing to fantastic but at work for the 5th night of the week. Good hours with overtime this week and supposed to work tomorrow as well for more O.T. Which is good because i must buy the dip in markets. Beef up this Hive account so i can continue to curate and help keep this community flourishing in these tough times.

But 1st, another long hallway pic at the facility i work at.


Ahhh, one of my favorites lately.

Anyways, a view of the cup and machine here at the counter.


But back to health. Ive been battling a cold for 4 or 5 nights now and i progressed through stages. 1st i had bad sleep with chills and hot flash. Then runny nose 2nd day. 3rd day, still runny nose with an urge to cough. Now im mostly trying to hold back my cough and i have no business still coming to work past few days. I did not want to accept being sick although i knew something was attacking my body. 4, 5 nights later and my greed for hours and money keeps me coming back to work. Now, if i was any worse or more obviously sick i would have to call off. I have been able to contain myself and im lucky that no one is pissed at me. Patients and coworkers both can get pissed for me being sick.


  • because i wish good health to you all.

  • time for me to wrap this up

  • time to start waking patients, so we can all go home

  • cheers to you as i swig these final sips


  • This particular Coffee, just straight black. No creamer no sugar. Going down just fine. Yum.


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