A Reunion with Coffee

There are times when you pass by a place several times, it catches your attention, you enter for a moment, you have a quick drink, but you are impressed by the place, the variety of services, the good customer service and of course, the good coffee, then you promise yourself mentally, to return with more time and enjoy a new coffee, because you know that you will not be disappointed and that happened with the Cecilia coffee shop. My new visit had a beautiful reason, because there we met a group of friends, my old coworkers, with whom I worked for more than 20 years and that in their time were leaving retired one by one, until we were all in the same situation ha, ha, ha, ha; but we have always kept the habit of meeting again for these beautiful Christmas days.

So one of my options to meet again, immediately, was the Cecilia coffee, because I remembered the good impression that I got in that fleeting visit I made and I wanted to share it with my friends, who are girls who like relaxed environments, with friendly attention and above all that they have a good coffee, since they like me, are lovers of good coffee; they contributed many years ago to the taste I have for coffee. When we all met, we entered the place, from the beginning, we loved the Christmas decorations and everything they offered, cakes, cookies, pizzas, tequeños, salads, a little bit of everything you can accompany your coffee; the place has two floors, we went up to the second level, where it was more private and with a nice musical atmosphere.

All at once, a nice guy came up to serve us and we ordered our coffees to our liking and a delicious Venezuelan snack, called tequeño, which is a roll of wheat dough with cheese; so we spent a few hours, where we took the opportunity to catch up with our lives. It was very pleasant to share our favorite drink, coffee; in fact we toasted with it, for our pleasant reunion, we built new memories that afternoon. It is worth mentioning that the service was very attentive and friendly, besides all the facilities such as the bathrooms were impeccable, that is another point in its favor and one of the reasons to make several more visits, that is why I recommend it 100/. For those who want to visit it on any occasion, it is located in La Candelaria, Caracas, Venezuela.

This is my participation in The Coffee Shop Prompt - Week 43, greetings!

The photographs belong to my personal album.
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