Always enjoy my coffee in bed

Good morning my fellow coffee lovers, is another prompt of #spillthebeans and I'm excited.

After having my coffee I'm motivated to come here and explain to you guys why I love having my coffee in bed.

An individual's motive of taking coffee determines where the person would love to have his or her cup of coffee, some people enjoy having their coffee while at work while other people love it while in bed as they prepare to go out.

I personally prefer having my coffee in bed yes because of the reasons I'll be giving in the below content.

Why i take coffee?

Coffee helps me to start my day in a more relaxed and comfortable manner, it helps to station my mind on whatever task I have for the day, it gets my mind prepared while I think about what the day offers or will offer.
Coffee helps me to meditate over some personal matters or educational stuff that I read or even spiritual matters especially when I have my coffee when I'm still under my duvet, those quiet time every morning has significant effect on my daily activity
The funny part is that coffee makes me feel a little bit luxury when I take it in the morning.

So with this little objective in mind if I fail to take coffee while still in bed I will miss the motive of my coffee intake also the type of job I do will never give me an opportunity during the day to start taking coffee so it's better I start my day with coffee from home.

Lack of conducive work environment

Many workplace do not have the provision for preparing coffee, its so sad to tell you guys that most times a employee come home with his breakfast because he didn't have time to have breakfast at work, so how will it be possible to have a cup of tea.

The work setting makes it difficult for employees to find joy in their work but a cup of coffee early in the morning helps to calm the mind of an employee, give him more strength and help him enjoy his work.

A good population of Nigerian citizen spend 12-13hrs per day at work, only coffee in bed can help me manage such length of time at work and remain happy without getting frustrated or tired.

Coffee and my work

When i was working I always leave home as early as 5:30am so i have my cup of coffee by 4:am and that keeps me alert mentally and physically till 6pm when i will close from work.

My boss sometimes will give me some types of task that looks complicated and she would be surprised that i will do those tasks without much complaint.

In summary i will say that coffee in bed gets me ready, gives the needed motivation, and helps me to be active all day.

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