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The Espresso Machine: The Love Token.

Seated with coffee in hand and a bowl of popcorn on her lap, Latifa picked up the remote, scrolling through Netflix until she lost interest. Changing to TV, she scrolled round different channels until her hands stopped at one…


Headline News

Archaeologist Discovery Of Modern Espresso Machine In A Tomb.

On October 14th of this year, 4 Archaeologists are said to have embarked on a journey to Macquarie Island for research when they came across a modern looking espresso machine in a tomb found in the country.

The shocking news hit the internet, leaving millions on edge how the modern machine could have gotten there. Some viewers have left messages trending online, saying, as I quote, The Archaeologist planted it there themselves, there's no way a time machine could have been the case. However, another viewer stated…

The voice in the background zoned out as Latifa took a very good look at the machine. She adjusted her glasses rightly before looking at the machine again. There was a sign on the espresso machine, though it could easily be missed. However, the words written on it struck Latifa's mind. She could have sworn she had seen the sign before, but she couldn't just pinpoint where she had.

Bringing her cup of espresso to her lips, she took a long sip before packing lots of popcorn to her mouth.

It has been a long while since she had an adventure after she caught her boyfriend cheating on her. Her heart took a different beat as she decided to find out the mystery behind the espresso machine.

The sound of birds chirping woke Latifa from sleep. Yawning briefly, she put on her glasses still half asleep as she walked into the bathroom to do her business. Walking out of the bathroom, she headed towards her kitchen to prepare coffee for the day.

Smiles filled her face when the smell of coffee hit her nostril.

Now, we are talking." She murmured briefly before brewing the coffee and adding three sugars followed by cream to it.


The moment the taste of coffee hit her taste bud, she was in heavenly coffee realm before she could stop herself. It's not like she would anyway. Giggling silently to herself, she took more coffee, smiling sheepishly.

Holding on to the cup, she remembered the day her grandma handed it over to her some years back. It was her grandma's favorite cup, and she…

"Oh, grandma!" She said out loud before dashing into her room and picking up her phone. Scrolling through her recent contact, she called her grandma's number.

"Hello, big mama!" She screamed.

Hehe, I guess you already have lots of coffee in your system." Her grandma's voice replied with a chuckle.

"I am coming over now. We need to talk." She said to her grandma before ending the call.

Picking up clothes to wear wasn't a problem as Latifa quickly got dressed before leaving her home.

Hailing a taxi, she told the taxi man her destination as she relaxed a bit, knowing she had a long drive ahead of her.

While seated, her mind went back to years earlier, she could have sworn she saw the sign in her grandma's journal on the first page when she was snooping around. She was sure and yet not too sure if it was the same sign.

Sighing deeply, she decided to rest a bit, knowing if her assumptions were true, she was in for a long story.

A tap on Latifa's shoulder stirred her from sleep. Cleaning her eyes, she realized she was already in her grandma's place.

"Thank you." She said to the driver before walking out.

"Hello, big mama, your favorite grand baby is home." Latifa sang beautifully as she walked into her grandma's home.

"Welcome home, baby." Her grandma smiled, hugging her.

They chatted for a while with coffee to go when Latifa asked her question.

"I know you've heard of the news about a coffee machine. I know it belongs to you, so just tell me how it got there."

"You sure know how to go straight to the point." Her grandma smiled before she continued, "Surely, I know about the espresso machine, but it isn't mine."


"But, the signature, it's in your journal. I am sure I saw it." Latifa replied.

"It belongs to your great grandpa." Her grandma replied, smiling at the quizzical look on Latifa's face.

"Your great grandpa was a scientist from Macquarie Island where he met your grandma who came to see different species of penguins. You should know your grandpa was a very intelligent man. Your great grandma was from Ethiopia, where coffee was found. Your great grandpa knew this and decided to create a machine to help your great grandma brew her coffee.

She told me he created lots of machines, but none matched what he wanted until he was able to create an espresso machine. He used your great grandma's name, Rose, as a signature to show his love for her.

Your great grandma fell in love with him, and they got married. She stayed in Macquarie Island with your great grandpa, but after his death, she couldn't bear staying there anymore. So she looked for a tomb and buried the espresso machine he made her there."

"She said she couldn't take it with her because the island was where her heart lay, but she knew she couldn't stay knowing she lost him there. She told me the story and gave me her journal before she passed away. I have held on to it ever since."

Smiling deeply, Latifa spoke, "So, the espresso machine was great grandpa's token of love to his beloved Rose." That's a very wonderful story, grandma, and the world needs to know.

The next day, Latifa went with her grandma to the news station where the story was narrated to the whole world.

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