Sweet And Sour Apple Coffee

Balance of taste is the beauty of life.
Life, please kiss me sweetly.


One sip of a cup of iced coffee. Sweet taste that greets the tongue. Cold that greets the throat. And, a little sour to remember. This is my first coffee after about 3 months I stopped drinking coffee.


Long short story, those were 3 months full of happiness, but also full of pain. It was the month when my husband and I got a gift from God, but at the same time, God took the gift from us. We were very happy when we found out that I was pregnant after five months of marriage. But then two months later, I had a miscarriage. It felt like we weren't worthy of God's gift, and we lost those gifts and blessings.

The more I sip my iced coffee, the more I understand what the ingredients in my iced coffee are: apple juice and coffee. As well as about the sadness that still remains in my deepest heart, day by day I understand more and more what it feels like to lose.

Loss: a feeling that makes me a person who is always grateful for what I have in the present. I'm used to not being disappointed after a loss takes away a lot of happiness. It is never wasted. There are always seeds of life that have been planted in our lives, forming something new, even if something is lost.


A slice of dried apple floats on the surface of the iced coffee as a garnish. Just a small thing, but it gives a highlight to the whole drink. Like a loss that leaves many scars of pain everywhere. On every side of the body and soul. But again, I accept that because that's life.

I never know what drink I will receive when I order a type of drink from a cafe waiter. I also don't know what kind of moment I'm facing and I'm living it. Then, whatever it is, I have to be wise to accept whatever I have been given to me.

Life is all about choices. Even though sometimes it seems like a wrong choice, trying to enjoy whatever is given to us is the best way not to be disappointed. If you don't like sour but then accept the sour taste, don't be disappointed. We just need to learn to accept that we have to know the sour taste for the balance of life. Without a sour taste, as well as bitterness, we will never be happy when there is a sweet taste that comes.

People who have tasted bitterness truly understand the sweet taste of life.

Apple Juice Coffee


I came again to a favorite place that I have often shared on my blog. Muda Burger & Coffee. On a Saturday night visit, I chose to order the iced menu, not hot coffee like my favorite before. Incidentally, the type of drink that I ordered is a new menu list after a long time I haven't visited this place.

My drink of choice is called Djiwa Muda. Muda means young, and djiwa means soul. An interesting drink menu name. What represents the young soul of the customers is also the name of the coffee shop itself.

I thought I would receive an exceptional coffee with mixed milk (a popular type of coffee in the area where I live). But, then it became something beyond my expectations. I received a cup of black coffee, with a garnish that I don't know what the ingredients are.


After I looked closely, I saw that the slice of garnish was a slice of dried apple. My mind then guessed that the drink I chose had apple juice as an ingredient. I'm right about that. It turns out that this drink is a blend of apple juice and coffee.


This is the first time I tried this type of drink. I like it. The taste is a mix of sour and sweet. Nice balance of flavors. Nothing is dominant. After a taste on the tongue that is worth remembering as a drink worth drinking to cool my mind after the many complicated things, I think about.

009E804B-ABFF-4E7D-88DC-42E4FCD0FC0D.jpegIn the corner of Muda Burger & Coffee, accompanied by my husband, I also enjoy the best burger in my city. So far, the burgers at this place are what I like. This burger is named Cheese To Love with beef patties and cheese filling. I always choose this type of burger variant if I come to this place because I love it. just it.


Pssst, this burger place that my husband introduced before we got married. So, this place has a lot of sweet memories for us.

ACAAE8A0-2851-4E35-B58C-3AF0BB58AB91.jpegWhen we are away from home looking for new views to see, then this place is one of them.

I also take away this coffee at home after I don't finish it in the time I'm at the cafe. I didn't stay long at the cafe. After I finished the burger, I immediately asked my husband to go home. So, I took away the remaining iced coffee that I hadn't finished yet.


Cheers, for the fun or sad moments that come into our lives. Whatever those things, they will instill small surprises in our lives, which we will get in the future. With a happy smile, with sweetness after bitter and sour. No matter what path we take and never guess once, at the end of the road, there will always be sweet things. In the form of a surprise we deserve, not something in the form of something we want. It's okay to get hurt, to make you strong and ready to be the best version of yourself.


Enjoy your favorite drink on the weekend, with various unexpected moments. Your heart, which is the strongest, though easily brittle by sorrow, then swiftly strengthened by wisdom.

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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