Reminisce *About My Late Cat* With Coffee At A Special Place

Sometimes we just need the courage to come back to a special place in the past to feel happiness there again.


Honestly, it's not about the past. Not about how I regret what happened now and want to go back to the past. But this is all about how I want to come to a place that used to be a place where I felt happy.

Not because the present is unhappy. In fact, the present is happier. I just want to reminisce about how time flies and I'm grateful to have come this far.


That place is O.E CAFE. In the past, I used a coffee shop as a place to wait for my late cat to be bathed in the pet shop which was right next to the coffee shop. I would come feeling happy at that time while imagining that I would soon be holding my cute cat at that time.


My cat died from a virus. You can read my post about me losing my cat two years ago here: R.I.P AL

That time was my biggest heartbreak. I cried badly for days after burying my cat just by myself. AL is a Persian cat who has brought many positive changes to my life. He made my life better and better.

People say that pets are healing for the soul. And that is right. But not more than a year after I had AL, I lost him forever.

Back to the topic, since the day AL died until this year I have never come to O.E Cafe again. Only today did I dare to come to this cafe again, with my husband.



Reminiscing, it turns out I'm not sad at all. I think it's because I'm with the right person. While drinking my coffee, I smiled and remembered my late cat, AL.

Maybe my late cat, AL already knew that my husband would be there to look after me, and he left. Well, my eyes are teary. How my late cat, AL understands how I feel. He never makes me sad instead he always heals my wounds.

Two years have passed since his death in 2021, I have become a completely different person. Thank you, AL. For everything, for the memories you have made with me.

There is nothing different from the design of the place



O.E Cafe is still the same as the last few years I came here. Like a homey atmosphere at my own house.

In the past, I liked to sit on the second floor balcony area at the end there, looking down at the busy street.




The beautiful wall art of a woman's head is still the same, it is there and beautifies the room.




Meanwhile, at this time, I chose the AC room which was more closed by glass. Suitable for a visit on a hot day. We need AC for sure 😅



The sofas are arranged in such a way, like a comfortable living room. Several details such as artificial ornamental plants give a more lively impression to this room.


I sat at the end, where I could also see the street below.



I ordered a cup of cafe latte, and fried cassava. Regarding coffee, nothing has changed from in the past. Amazingly, I still remember that taste on my tongue.




As for the fried cassava, ooooh, they are so delicious! Crispy outside. With spices that taste delicious and a little sweet. They combine coriander, garlic, salt, and a little brown sugar when boiling the cassava. Then they fry the boiled cassava to the right level of doneness.


I love how nostalgic I am this time. I just hope, maybe I can meet my late cat, AL in the next life. 😊

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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