Emergency Coffee Fix Solution

Emergency Coffee Fix Solution

I woke up to the sound of my coffee grinder not working, it was 7 AM and I had to be at work by 8:15 AM. I usually grind my coffee beans fresh every morning, but now that my grinder was broken and I became worried. And I can't stay without having my morning coffee. Then I needed Plan B to cope with this problem.

I thought about going to the nearby convenience store, but I remembered that they don't open until 8:30 AM. So, I decided to improvise. I remembered I had a French press in my cabinet, and I had some coarsely ground coffee beans left over from the previous day. I boiled water, added the coffee grounds to the press, and let it steep for 4 minutes.

While I waited, I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. As soon as the 4 minutes were up, I pressed down the plunger and poured myself a cup of coffee. It wasn't as strong as I usually like it, but it was better than nothing. I added a splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar to make it more palatable. So finally I had my morning coffee.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed out the door. I was a bit early for work, but I had a smile on my face knowing that I had my morning coffee. I had a great day at work, and I stopped by the store on my way home to buy a new coffee grinder. From that day on, I never had to worry about my coffee grinder breaking down again.

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Yours: @akmalshakir

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