My mornings of coffee and cats

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Waking up in the morning, on weekends or days off is a blessing, the reason is that my husband wakes me up to offer me a cup of freshly brewed coffee, I won't lie, I wake up before him to feed the little beasts I have at home, my beloved cats, but if it is as I mentioned my day off or a weekend or I am on vacation, like now, after feeding my mustaches I go back to sleep a little more.


So a little while after I'm sleeping, I hear my husband's voice calling me and he says:

-Take black, here's your coffee.

Sometimes I am sound asleep and he has to call me several times, but other times I wake up faster and when I open my eyes I see him in front of me stretching his arm to give me the coffee that I already prepare, because as you know that is the first thing that is done in this house and I am sure it is the same in many other homes.


On the other hand, if you have read any other publication in which I make mention of how my love for coffee began, you also know that it is quite recent, that is, it is not something of a lifetime and also that I drank previously was tea and still do, but if you make me choose between coffee in the mornings lying on my bed, surrounded by at least two or three of my cats and talking with my husband about anything, that I would not change it for anything.

I am happy and grateful to be loved and cared for from time to time and when I open my eyes every day I give thanks for it, for everything I have and also for what I don't, so every morning while I am drinking my coffee little by little if I am cold it warms me up and if not, it gives me a little push to get out of bed or maybe it encourages me to sleep a little more, but it is nice to have those mornings without rushing in which you can enjoy a good coffee while I am relaxed, without the stress of having to get ready to go to work.


On the other hand, it is also funny to see how the cats that are in my bed, which are usually Akiles, Rusa and Señor Gato, protest a little when I get up and move them, as they commonly surround me, lying around me and step on my sheets.


Finished, I wouldn't trade my mornings drinking coffee in bed with my husband and my cats, for being somewhere else, so ends this post which is my participation in the #STB 47, thanks for visiting, reading and commenting.

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Original content created by @actioncats for HIVE/ All rights reserved/ ©Copyright 2023 Cristina Turmero Nuitter


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