Coffee or Gastritis?

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For example, I remember that a friend of mine from the office had a dental whitening, which implied leaving coffee aside to take care of the investment she had made, since a dental whitening is a bit expensive, I do not remember if she drank coffee again, but I do remember that she looked for other ways to satisfy her caffeine doses, since the headaches were terrible.

At that time I did not drink coffee, so I could not understand very well what that decision implied for my dear Liliana, but now that I am a coffee lover I understand her and remember her more than ever, the reason is that I suffer from erosive gastritis, at the time of diagnosis it was clear as with many of my other pathologies that the peaks are due to stress.

On the other hand, as you may know, those of us who suffer from gastritis must follow certain indications for eating, among them one of the drinks to be careful with is coffee, not because it produces gastritis, the point with coffee is that it irritates the gastric mucosa and we must avoid it if we are going to spend many hours with an empty stomach, that is to say, many hours without eating.


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But if there are cases in which gastritis is activated, drinking coffee can become a very sharp dagger, in my particular case if I take it after a few minutes of enjoying it begins that terrible acidity, the stomach feels superinflated and the burning you feel is as if you had literally flames in the stomach, it is something terrible that after enjoying something you like so much, you feel something so horrible.

Now, it is true that it is terrible to feel this way, but I do not have the slightest intention to give up coffee, it would be for me like losing a kidney, an eye, a leg, the logical question here is: What do I do when gastritis attacks or to avoid it?

The answer to this question is simple, prevention, I do not drink black coffee in the mornings unless I am going to have breakfast a few minutes later, secondly if I feel any symptoms of gastritis, I immediately start taking gastric protector to protect my stomach, ironically from itself.


from PxHere

It would have to be something very, very extreme for me to give up my beloved coffee, but as long as I can find a way to deal with gastritis or some other situation I will do it, but it is not among my plans to stop drinking coffee, it is a drink that I enjoy alone, with my son, my husband, with my friends and even with strangers, it would be like taking the joy out of life.

Finished, from my point of view there is a solution for everything and I would not stop drinking coffee because of my gastritis, so far I have managed to deal with the situation and I will continue to do so, I say goodbye and I leave my participation in the STB #58, thank you for your visit.


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