A Rainy Day and Coffee

Hi everyone. I hope you all are fine. This is my entry to the #spillthebeans contest. I would like to proceed with the 2nd option of the prompt.

Does coffee kill my vibe during rainy days or I enjoy it more when it rains?

My answer in this regard is very obvious. I enjoy it so much when the strong aroma of cappuccino mixed the fragrance of wet soil make me realize how strong my sense of smelling is. The serenity and vibe created by coffee and rain is un-matchable. I have experienced it multiple times. Whenever it rains, I resort to coffee or tea to enjoy it even more.

Since my teenage years, I have been the kind of guy who enjoys rain. The serenity it creates is just so impactful that it makes every sip of coffee a healing serum. Moreover, offering coffee while it rains is my love language. I have spent many evenings with my family and partner in this way. Coffee is an addition that I cherish later on in my memories.

Once I was planning on a romantic date for my girl. I had no ideas how to do it and make it impactful. I then remembered that the thing that stays with me is rain and coffee. Then, I took my fiance to be to a nearby cafe on a rainy day and we shared a few cups of my favorite cappuccino. The memory of it is still very fresh in my head and so is in the head of my lady.

This is what we all should do. In the stressful events of the world, we forget to heal ourselves. We do not take time to enjoy little and beautiful moments to turn them into beautiful memories. Hence, there has been a rise in the cases of depression among the young generation. Rain, for me, is a thing of joy and beauty. I try to live it to the fullest and coffee helps me with that. Words would never be enough for me to describe what it feels when I take the first sip of coffee on a rainy day. It is a blissful feeling.

This is my very close friend Sahil. We shared a cup of coffee on a rainy day. I took this picture near our library in Jinnah Park.
I do have some personal pictures of coffee and rain, but these are very dear to me and I need time to share these. I will do that when the right time comes.

PS: The pictures are mine taken with my Google Pixel and Redmi note 10.
Thank you for your time and support. Do let me know what you think about this blog so that we can learn and grow together.

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