Memories keep them alive : A special invitation to you ❤️

Lately, Google Photos has been on a mission to fill my heart with memories. I have physical photo albums, boxes of pictures, a 1 TB external hard drive that has over 20 years of images taken - but I rarely go to actually ACCESS these things. They are just a "someday" sort of thing that collects dust and fades with time.

There are a lot of things that Google does wrong, in my opinion - but the one thing they got right? Google Photos!

Throughout the week, I'll get a notification... "Remember this day?" or... "Check out this collection of photos with this person...", and immediately I'm whisked back to that moment in time.

I shared a picture with my daughter the other day that Google had shared. It was a closeup of our faces, without any other details visible in the photo. Immediately I knew where it was taken, and what we were doing. When I passed the picture to her, she responded back instantly "THE HORSIES!" She also remembered the day intently! We giggled and shared a few minutes recollecting all about that day. We were so happy! Our faces glowed with enjoyment.

Can you relate to that?

Being whisked away to an earlier time and place, FEELING every bit of those moments inscribed into the pages of your life. FILLING with the fullness of love and joy and longing, as if - you were right there again, reliving the experience, bringing something from the past to the present. Even bringing it back to life!

That's the beauty and the power of memories.

That's what we are inviting you to do this month for our DreemPort collaboration with @beeber and her Hive Memorial Forest community.

Take the time this month - just in time for Memorial Day, to pause and BREATHE IN those memories.

Revisit, renew, reanimate!

❤️Share the MEMORIES that are so important, and bring those times back to life.

IMPORTANT guidelines!!

  • 🙏@beeber has asked that we keep this space peaceful, and honoring the ones who have passed on. This is not the place for anything but love, reflection and appreciation. Please do not disturb that.

  • 📸Second, any images that you use - NEEDS - to be with the express permission of anyone in them. If they are personal photos from albums or family - PLEASE only use images that you know will keep peace, joy and love flowing to all those who might be affected.

  • 🎁 For the FIRST TIME ever, we will NOT be posting the weekly challenge top 5 on Hive for this collaboration. We will also not be giving special rewards for the weekly top 5. Why? Because this is not the type of topic for that. Everyone who participates in this month's challenges will receive a gift from DreemPort. Because EVERY tribute is special and deserves that recognition!

And now... onto the prompt for this week!

⏱ Write your post ANY day, but SHARE the URL of your post on DreemPort 👉ON THURSDAY, by 5pm Pacific.👈 Remember that once submissions are closed on the DreemPort site, you'll not be able to submit anymore - so please allow enough time for that on DreemPort! (Ask for help if you need it!)

✒️PROMPT: Using all that I mentioned above, we want to hear and FEEL the tribute to someone special in your life that has passed. This week is specifically for family - and that is people OR pets! Pets ARE family!!! Write a post to enter into the Hive Memorial Forest, and share about them - to be memorialized forever, lovingly on the blockchain.

Thank you so much! We are so honored that you would bring these memories to share with your family here, and we so look forward to getting to know your loved ones.

Special thanks to @beeber for letting us shine the light on this very important community here on Hive! What a treasure this will become over the years! So glad that you saw the need for it, and filled our hearts with it!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971 @silversaver888 and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Hive Memorial Forest banner created by thekittygirl - she is not tagged, because she asked to not be! hahahahaha
Me & my girl - my photo :)
D divider, designed by me :)
All dreemport banners and logos property of DreemPort.

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