A Poem to Queen Elizabeth(family)


  • It was a destiny knew by God,

So quicking without hesitation and doubt to marry the man,

The future was behind you, since you were eager to lead,

Truth came out like flames of furnance fan out of your mouth,

You were served a throne everywhere even the devils palace,

That makes you not a made Queen but an inborn Queen,

Princes and princess flow from the ocean of your womb,

The earth revolved you round the world as the sun and star bow,

You choosed to serve than to be served,

When you grow older and weaker, you shined brighter,

Your smile reminds the world of hope and freedom,

You became the window to see wisdom in the morning,

The world seek knowledge at your feet and as if it was a feast,
I don't know what you saw, but I guess it as angel on white,

Who led you to the Father on an eagles wing by a rushing wind,

Be calm and still, you are safe and sound,

Grandma rest well because you labored too well,

May the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus be with you and let the Holy Spirit that is our comforter in one faith comfort the family, friends, countries and me, Amen.

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