The year was 2010 ... I was pretty active on Facebook back then ... and selfies ruled that social network show ... so when I found something interesting or funny to put on my head, I would go in front of my bathroom mirror and take a picture of the exact copy of me trapped there, in the world behind the mirror.

wcpprprofilna malo.jpg

At one occasion I took a roll of toilet paper and made some kind of hat with it. Then, as usual, I stood in front of the mirror, ready to take a selfie ... but ...


... when I pushed the button, the light changed, the time stood still for a second or two, and some strange little creature flew by. I never found out what happened that morning ... but I have this moving picture, that somehow got recorded instead of a usual still photograph, to show you how it looked.

I experienced this phenomenon quite a few time after that in my bathroom ... I heard that this could be because of some unstable area in between two or more universes pulsating under my roof ... or a small portal to hell ...

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