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Sunday 25/7/2021, Enjoying Holidays with Family.


Sunday 25/7/2021, Enjoying Holidays with Family.

It doesn't feel like a week has been enjoying a long vacation with your beloved family, today is the last day for vacation and starting tomorrow, you will immediately return to the activities and daily routines that await.

This vacation, my family and I took a very simple place, my family and I enjoyed the holiday in Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province, Indonesia. In this place we stayed at one of the existing hotels, then the beach was our tourist destination while in Banda Aceh.

While there we visited the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh which is so luxurious and magnificent in its charm, at the place of worship my family and I pray five times a day and take time to walk around the mosque on the first floor and take time to rest for a while.

The next visit we visited was some very beautiful beaches, beaches with white sand and cool air enveloping our family togetherness. The beaches we visited were Ulee Lheu Beach Banda Aceh, Eky's Momong Beach, Lampuuk Beach and Lhok Mee White Sand Beach.

Indeed, to visit the beach it took three days to be able to see the beauty of all the beaches there, we also visited the peak of Mount Geurute in Aceh Jaya Regency, the peak presents a beautiful view of the Indian Ocean which is very enchanting.

My family and I also visited the hot springs or Ie Suum in Aceh Besar District, the current vacation trip is so long and presents many interesting stories. During our trip, we continued to comply with the health protocols that apply according to the instructions of the Indonesian government, our family continued to wear masks, keep our distance, stay away from crowds and wash our hands with soap

It's been a week since the holidays are over, I have lots of interesting stories to tell my friends, wait for the next post.