The Vision of Web3 - Hive is Leading the Way

This is the first short clip of a panel discussion about Web3 social media in Mati, Philippines, during FrolicBlock of 2023.

For me, two of the key strong points of Web3 are:

#1. Web3 is Open Source.

And it should be, what that means is that anyone is free to copy the software, duplicate it and build out their own products. with dApps like D.Buzz, is leading the way to break up monopolies, so that hundreds and someday thousands of Web3 social media platforms can work together to disrupt walled gardens (@kencode).

But it won't be new monopolies that replace them, it will be a lot of smaller projects that work together interoperably with one another.

Potentially, everyone reading this and watching this video can have their own social network, they can all work together and be visible on one another's sites.

That's the Vision of Web3, and that's what Hive is doing which is why some people say Hive is Web3, I am one of them.

For more information, here is a summary of HIVE :

Let's make it happen. @chrisrice
Founder of @dbuzz

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