The smell of grape

The time has almost come and this plant will be ready. I was a bit afraid that it was completely yellowed and yes, it is a bit yellow here and there, which was caused by overwatering. But I haven't watered for a few days and that has done most of the good. The soil is now quite dry, so tonight they will get some more water and then I think in a few days I will want to cut them. I actually wanted to cut it tonight, but I think it's not ready yet. But almost, the trichomes are beautiful white and in abundance. But I want just a little more volume and I think a few days is enough
I estimate that this harvest will be about 30 grams and then I will be very satisfied, but more would be welcome
She has only had water with a reduced pH value. She got all the food from the Bio bizz per mix soil and that is organic and works fine.
I can't wait to have my own weed again and know what you're smoking. Pure nature at its best
My fingers still smell of weed. I love that fresh weed smell, but it shouldn't be too crazy. Fortunately, I have the feeling that 1 plant is not too bad. And I have a carbon filter that helps with the odor
The following plants have also already germinated and that will be the orgasmatron, I am very curious
Friends of the Internet. I wish you a nice weekend. enjoy things and see you next post.


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