Very interesting mushroom

Mushrooms show extraordinary charm and beauty

become a friend. On this occasion, on Blessed Friday, I want to share a photo of a mushroom that I found which is very beautiful. In my opinion, mushrooms do bring charm. I really enjoyed it.

So friends, of course I took some pictures of the mushrooms that I found because I wanted to share them here with you, my beloved hive blog friends, and I hope you can be entertained and enjoy the mushroom photos that I shared and the mushroom photos as follows.

Don't miss my story about the mushrooms that I found because the mushrooms are really interesting and I really enjoyed the mushrooms that I found. Hopefully we can enjoy it together and we can see this very unique and interesting mushroom.

So friends, I found this mushroom behind my grandmother's house. I saw it growing on a rotten board and I took a photo using my cell phone camera, HP Redmi Note 7, the image quality for me is quite good.

It was a bit difficult for me to take it because it was a bit dark behind my grandmother's house, but I managed to take a good photo of the mushroom and it looked very clear

well, my beloved friend, above are some photos of mushrooms that I have shared, hopefully they are useful and you can enjoy them. I am very happy today because I can get mushrooms behind my grandmother's house which are very beautiful.

So that's enough of my story, I ask for your support so that I can do my activities and see you in my next post๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘Œ.

So that's the picture above that I will show in the #fungifriday community organized by @ewkaw.

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