It's Fungi Season - big red chunky mystery shroom

red mystery mushroom from above

The autumn rain brings mushroom fruits

And what an impressive fruit this is!

I usually keep my casual #smartphonephotography shrooms over on my @actifraenk account where they help to spice up my daily actifit spam, but every once in a while there's a particularly impressive specimen that needs some more spotlight to shine.

And for that: "Here's my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw"

red mystery mushroom full scene profile

I've tried to get an ID on this impressive little chunky boi, but I didn't come back with anything remotely close. It's a red mystery mushroom.

red mystery mushroom underside closeup

I definitely would not recommend tasting it. The colour looks delicious like strawberry candy but it's probably better interpreted as a big fat stop sign.

red mystery mushroom angled down full view

It's not the most common mushroom for sure. I haven't ever seen one like this before. There's some that grow in vaguely similar shapes but much more muted colours.

red mystery mushroom closer from above

If you can offer any help in getting an ID on this species, it's much appreciated. With it's distinct colour and peculiar shape I thought this would be an easy one, but my usual sources came up empty.

red mystery mushroom landscape view

It's situated under a huge old oak tree. That could help with finding a match.


Bonus pics

@actifraenk takes walks every day and mushroom season is full on right now. Here's a couple of additional shots from yesterday and today:










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