Fungifriday //Three unique types of mushrooms

Hello Hivers

Hello friends, back again on the Friday we have been waiting for, and this time there are three types of mushrooms that I will share for my entry on #fungifriday by @ewkaw

Auricularia auricula

The first is the brown ear mushroom or better known as the jelly mushroom, and as the name implies, this mushroom has a shape like a human ear and has a chewy jelly-like structure.

This mushroom is a type of mushroom that can be consumed, even some people argue that this mushroom is a good medicine for health and can relieve some diseases in humans.

In my area, these mushrooms often grow in the rainy season, and like dead plants like kedondong as a place for them to grow, and of course they are also very interesting to look at, both from their shape, color and structure


Next are small white mushrooms that look so beautiful, they have a small size and are shaped like a fan with a unique gill shape, and according to the source I got, these white mushrooms belong to the Delicatula class.

I found this group of white mushrooms growing on the branches of a banana tree, their bright color makes them visible even though they are small, and on the umbrella part there is also a slight mixture of yellow which of course adds to the beauty in them.

Parasola plicatilis

The latter is a unique mushroom that also has a white color, it's just that the shape and size are much different from the previous white mushroom, I also found it alone without a group like other mushrooms

The shape of the gills is similar to that of an oyster mushroom, but they have a black color on the gill line which is one of its uniqueness

The size of the stem is quite large and tall, maybe about 3 inches high, and looks so beautiful when exposed to sunlight

Those are some pictures that I can share this time, thank you and see you next Friday

Note; all pictures were taken with a smartphone camera and edited with lightrhoom + picsart

Happy FungiFriday

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