From Garden to Forest: A Day in the Life of a Nature Enthusiast

Hello hive family. I hope you all are healthy.

Friends, as always I am busy with my garden work. These days I am working on removing weeds near the apple trees. Fruit setting has started in apple trees. Apricot and cherry trees have started bearing fruits. I work in the garden in the morning and evening. Due to the strong sunlight during the day, I either rest or go for a walk in the forest near my house.

Nowadays, I go to the forest during the day to look for wild violet flowers and collect them for the winter. Syrup made from this flower is beneficial for health. I also see some wild mushrooms in the forest. These are poisonous species of mushrooms. I don't know their name. I take some pictures of them for the hive.

These umbrella shaped mushrooms are beautiful to look at. Mostly these mushrooms grow in the rainy season. I am sharing pictures of mushrooms with all of you. If you know their names then please tell in the comments.

Disclaimer: This post is originally written in Hindi by me and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.

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