Chubby madcap magus

Hi guys I am here again in this friendly community after a week did you remember guys what I made last week, Last week I just tried why not to try a realistic fungi art I was amazed by that how much is was appreciated by the community and other guys but this time I was trying to do some kind of embroidery but I just hardly able to make a tiny drawing for this contest as nowadays I am quite busy so it is hard to get time for the platform and posting here is quite tricky for me in this routine well I have created as far I can see it is supposed to be a fungus and here is what I did about it below.


below is the complete procedure of how I made this miniature drawing I hope you guys would enjoy reading it as well as I have attached each step with details.

  • In the first step with the help of a lead pencil create the sketch of this tiny living mushroom with two eyes and you can also use any other pencil which is removable for creating the scratch it took almost 10 minutes to make a perfect catch for this.
  • For making the cap of the fungus are used the same colour as we can see in the original art which is orange and the sports on the top of the fungus are supposed to be Red I as I can see that belongs of the fungus are not shown in the original splinterlands art so I just choose purple black and white on behalf of myself.
  • When I started making the bottom part of the fungus I was a bit confused as it was a bit Messi first I was trying to put the clothes in the original printer lands are bad then I decided why not to change it into a bit of original like real life fungus which is popping out of soil instead of with legs and feet.
  • Yeah you guys can guess at this step the eyes of the fungus are looking a bit humani but in this steps below you can see how I changed this base colour into a bit original shadows.
  • As in the original printer lamps art of this character we can see dealer body is a bit grey and some black shadows and as a mentioned about that I have changed the original character into some sort of real life fungus properties so I choose grey and black colour for shadowing and lightning this character.
  • Just keep colouring and fewing the whole figure of the character and in the last step I used white poster colour for making this park in both eyes as well as did you see the flask in the one hand of character it is supposed to be a magic smooth person this is something I just added from my on reference just to fill the space.
  • In the one hand of the character I think it is some salt of stake but it is magical and in one hand it is magical lotion and in this step I have added more details by using dark black pointer of 0.3 mm.

    Final look 🌻😁⭐

  • Did you guys noticed that in this step after completing the drawing I have added some editing to the original drawing I used some sort of filter by which they top of district is creating some magical white sparx which are adding more into its beauty.

That's it guys this was all for today's post I hope you guys have might enjoyed this new art pace above I have added the reference or the original art by which I have made this tiny drawing I hope you guys might love this as always and appreciate it don't forget to give your suggestions below in the comment section see you next time my this post is for the FungiFriday ontest by @ewkaw.

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