Fungsi Friday || Some Kinds of Mushrooms In Mid-September

Hello all friends, how are you guys today, hopefully we are still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.

For Mushrooms this Friday and this is my contribution #FungiFriday hosted by @ewkaw

On Friday, mid-September, I want to share some pictures of mushrooms that I have prepared. For today the atmosphere is quite sunny in the area where we live, it has not rained for several days and is always in a state of scorching sun. I still have some mushroom pictures that I have saved before in my smartphone gallery. It's on this happy Friday I want to bring back those mushrooms with my friends in this beloved community.

There are several types of mushrooms that I prepared for this occasion. Among them there is a white fungus that grows very fertile around the place that has been burned by bamboo sticks. I often see this type of white fungus growing on the former burning bamboo sticks that are no longer needed. Apart from the white mushrooms I also saw some turkey tail mushrooms which had really nice colors and I also took some pictures of them. As we know mushrooms are one of the plants that have a very beautiful shape and in mushrooms we usually can see the variation of the fibers that are owned by mushrooms of course very good. Mushrooms are also one of the plants that most of them can be consumed and some of them cannot be consumed because there are several studies that consider the mushrooms that cannot be consumed to be toxic to them. Mushroom plants usually grow in damp places or on rotten wood. Alright for everyone I will show pictures of mushrooms that I have prepared.

The first thing I show is a white mushroom that I found in the burning place of a bamboo tree in a place. we can see the size of this mushroom and the fibers possessed by this mushroom are very good with a medium size.

Fungus mushroom, this mushroom has a large stem and the top also has a very nice circle. This mushroom has a nice color and I am interested to see the shape of this mushroom.

Turkey tail mushroom, this fungus grows by sticking to rotten wood, This mushroom is a little different from the mushrooms that we often see that have a stem but this turkey tail mushroom they do not have a stem and they live only firmly attached to the Rotten logs.

There were some mushrooms that were being surrounded by small animals. It seems that this white mushroom has emitted unpleasant aromas so that many small animals approach this mushroom.This fungus grows also attached to the wood they also have a small stem, they also live in groups with a decent amount.

Alright mushroom lovers friends who are always loyal, maybe those are some pictures of mushrooms from me on this very sunny Friday. A big thank you to the seniors and members who have given me the opportunity to be able to display my mushrooms this Friday. See you again next Friday.

Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LocationAceh, Indonesia
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