Time-Lapse Video: Mushroom Pencil Drawing

I hope you all have a happy day, and moreover a happy Fungi Friday!!!

And if you want to continue with that happy feeling, well maybe better then not to watch the following video? Uhm... You know, I am not good at drawing...but our Supreme Judge for Fungi decided, this week's topic will be art! Drawing! Painting! Oh, What to do now? Enter or not the challenge?


Well, I tried to sell the idea to one another hive user too, so I can not ask others to do something I would not do! But, I can show that even me, who never ever learned to articulate the visual ideas from the mind through a painting, can bring at least a pencil drawing! Maybe that can inspire others who are better in this activity to try themselves?

My mushroom was born just now, a moment before I edited the video, and started to write this post. All in real-time done, documented with a video recording, that you can see by pressing the play button of the video. It was made in time-lapse mode, so the result is one and a half minutes of footage, but the process of drawing took 50 minutes.

Please don't laugh too much. Or? Should I say, if you had fun and laughed at this process then it was a successful activity? Why not bring some smiles and laughter to people? So, this is the second reason why this post will be published.

The third reason, and that one has the same importance as the previous two ones, is that the Fungi Friday community is a place of a lot of fun. And I don't want to miss the opportunity to post on today here :) Every Friday, people from all over the world gather here and bring their amazing photos. Those that can not count with quality photos, bring some stories, and the funniest the best. Or food recipes... or mushroom music... or anything you consider, but what is connected to the topic of mushrooms.

There are no hard rules, but yes, some important guidelines. Like including in your post the tag #FungiFriday and that it is your contribution to the event (challenge) held by @ewkaw. The post has to be published on Friday, of course. Why would be called FungiFriday otherwise? Oh, and post into this community, Fungi Friday. The cool thing is that there is always some nice interaction between the members! And how important is that for a community!

So, these were my three reasons to enter today with this drawing video and photos... one: to inspire, two: to bring laughter, three: to have fun with others who will bring their art. Now, let's see what I have done. :)

Ok, not so many things to be explained. Found a block of paper for drawing. attached it to another cardboard to hold it, not to touch too much with my fingers the paper where the mushroom will be presented. Installed my phone to DJI Osmo mobile gimbal, and set the time-lapse mode for the video. And started the journey.


It was all invented and brought in those 50 minutes. I did try before, earlier this morning to sketch something, but not with all the details. At least I knew it will be one mushroom, something like this. First I made the contours:


And started to add the detail on the hat of the mushroom. Btw, it still doesn't have a name. Maybe you can help me to find out how to name it?


After the decoration on the cap, I added the gills. Later I was improving the details of all of them.



The stalk received some cool dress, at least I liked it. And more details to bring the character of this elegant but not so usually mushroom. For sure, I know that it is SHE, so the name should be a female one.



This is maybe the part I liked the most while drawing it:


The last part that was born was the bottom of it. There were some lines I enjoyed but somehow I suffered with the small decoration. I don't know why I started to draw them in that way. Maybe had to be half-circle ones instead of triangle-like shapes. Anyway, it turned out to be like this:


Hope your neck is not hurting trying to watch the video and this photo, hahha, as it is recorded by my left side, not to cover the paper with my right hand.

Capture from the video:

The process of recording. Well, in the moments I finished the mushroom and signed it with #FungiFriday tag and my username :))


Final result :)) So, do you have an idea, what should be the name of this Mushroom Lady? Any help with naming her? If not, it's ok too. But I do hope you enjoyed this post, not my "skills" as clearly, I dont have them, but at least I tried :) oh, and not to forget to give credits to music, I used a royalty-free one:

Music: Happy Step
Musician: Nordgroove
URL: https://icons8.com/music

The hand that was drawing with that pencil was of course mine :)))



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