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[ENG- ESP] The fungus that makes ink /el hongo que hace tinta!

We found this mushroom walking through a pasture, we were very excited, we had never found such big ones and together, we found them already a little mature, that's why they look black from the stipe (hat), we took some photos with a medium bad camera, sorry hehe but it was the one we had to remember that moment.

Este hongo lo encontramos caminando por un pastizal, nos emocionamos mucho, nunca habiamos encontrado unos tan grandes y juntos, los encontramos ya un poco maduros por eso se ven negro del estípite (gorrito), tomamos algunas fotos con una cámara media mala, disculpen jeje pero era la que teniamos para recordar ese momento.


This genus of fungi called Coprinellus is characterized because they are white and their stipe is very long, some species are eaten when they are young because as they mature the fungus itself is consumed and turns black as in the images, and becomes liquid black until it completely disintegrates and returns to earth, it is known that in china they used it to make a type of ink to write and also to make tattoos.
I have wanted to make an ink, but I have not taken the time, but when I do I will share the experience with you.

Este género de hongos llamado Coprinellus se caracteriza porque son blancos y su estípite es muy largo, algunas especies se comen cuando estan jovenes porque conforme van madurando el mismo hongo se va consumiendo y se va haciendo negro como en las imagenes, y se convierte en liquido negro hasta que se desintegra en su totalidad y regresa a la tierra, se sabe que en china lo usaban para relizar un tipo de tinta para escribir y tambíen para hacer tatuajes.


Has anyone eaten it or made ink?

Greetings to all this Friday, and happy weekend.

alguien lo ha comido o ha realizado tinta?

Les mando un saludo a todos este viernes, y feliz fin de semana
