Fungi Friday | There is always something unique and interesting about a mushroom


Hello all my beloved friends wherever you are..

How are you all today, hopefully today is a Friday full of blessings for all of us.

There is sad news coming from our brothers who live in southern Aceh, where it has been a few days of heavy rains hitting several villages there, and causing floods that have almost reached a size of 2 meters, and of course I am saddened and condolences for the disaster and I hope all of them it's fine there.

In the area where I live, in northern Aceh, at this time it is also the rainy season with moderate intensity and that is what we are used to, and as usual, if it is the rainy season like now with moderate intensity, it is an opportunity for me to hunt mushrooms in the forest in the area where I live. stay, and I will share with all of you what I got from my hunting.

And this is my contribution to #fungifriday by @ewkaw...


The mushrooms that I show you all today belong to the type of mushrooms that cannot be consumed, including the category of wild mushrooms that grow in areas that have high humidity.



This mushroom has a large and unique shape, when viewed and photographed from above, this mushroom will look like a large funnel.

Even when I approached and was about to take a picture of this mushroom, I saw that there were two white eggs there, I didn't know for sure what animal egg it was, the egg was slightly oval in shape, and if I could guess it was almost similar to a lizard egg.

I did not disturb the existence of the egg, because I thought the mother of the egg would be angry if the egg was disturbed, and because of my high curiosity, I even hid waiting for the mother egg to return to the mushroom, but after waiting for almost 2 hours, the mother The egg never showed itself, maybe from a distance the mother animal could smell the smell of humans.



I can't be sure of the name of the mushroom, I've been looking for it from several sources, but I can't find any information.


If you dear friends have some information about the mushrooms that I show today, please share with me, and leave some knowledge in the comments column, and I will really appreciate it.


I am happy today to be able to see various types of mushrooms with various kinds of knowledge about them, and all the mushrooms that are shared today look really amazing.

And I hope, for the coming Friday, you can find and see more various kinds of mushrooms with various unique shapes and colors.

And hopefully for next Friday there will be participants who share their adventure struggles when hunting mushrooms in various places around the world.

Seeing mushroom hunting locations from various countries seems to be very exciting and it will add to our knowledge.

I want to see how hard you guys struggle when hunting mushrooms, and I'm sure everyone has a struggle and maybe even a big sacrifice to get one type of mushroom.

So far, maybe we are all almost behind the scenes of a mushroom, and rarely show ourselves when we are with mushrooms, we only take pictures of mushrooms, and also rarely show the location of our mushroom hunting.

Even though sometimes our location when hunting mushrooms is very challenging, we have to fight with the wild wilderness, with various threatening wild animals.

Nothing is easy for mushroom hunters, there are many challenges and obstacles that must be passed, and I think there is no harm in exchanging experiences on how the hardest and biggest challenges are when we hunt mushrooms.

That's all from me for today, hope you all like it, and see you next Friday.

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