Mushroom themed bday party!šŸ„³

Friday, 10th of November 2023 [98]

Hello #FungiLovers of all kind!

Itā€™s a beautiful half sunny half rainy Friday morning. Iā€™ve already been for my weekly run at 8:30am and currently Iā€™m awaiting my appointment at the allergy clinic. After sitting in the waiting area for half an hour, I was told my appointment will be delayed by an hour, so I just nipped out for a quick smoke and I have some extra time to write!

Today I will show you a very different type of fungi that seem to have grown on a cake! šŸ˜ˆ A birthday cake to be exact!

Last weekend I attended a very special bday party. I was over the moon to find out that it was a mushroom themed party, cause you knowā€¦ for a mushroom lover any opportunity to indulge in mushoom love is an apportunity not to be missed!

And where is the party there has to be a cake of course. This one was pretty spectacular to be honest. All types of shapes and colours of mushrooms have popped up on this cake to the feast of our eyes ans stomachs too!

The birthday party was kindly hosted by my dear friend, Laleh. While I visited her house many times and I aboslutely adore her taste and loud style, this time round I was yet again taken by the beauty of it all. Maybe because of the journey we were about to take? Not sure, but it felt like Iā€™m seeing this room for the first time again.

Everything was decorated even more than usual, but even without those extras, this rooms is just breath taking. I looked to the left and I knew this will be my spot for this party! The colourful throw on the chair and a set of pillows were wispering to meā€¦ come closer, enjoy me.

The art behind the chair was very much to my taste too. So much to explore - real feast for the eyes! The naked lady in the bath is my favourite. Iā€™m pretty sure it used to hang in the bathroom in one of Lalehā€™s previous houses, cause I know it too well.

The masks in the cupboard are her own creations. Sheā€™s pretty wicket artist!

Iā€™m sure I donā€™t have to explain that the closeness to the fire place also had a lot to do with my spot selection šŸ˜ During the party the fire was on all the time, but somewhere an hour in I put my phone somewhere and forgot where it was, so there was no more pictures šŸ˜‚

My friend is an interior designer and a real extrovert, so you can be sure there is not one boring corner in her whole house. That goes for all of her houses and Iā€™ve seen 3 of them since Iā€™ve met her 13 years ago.

But donā€™t trust my wordsā€¦ have a look for yourself!

The art is pretty much everywhere and some of those paintings are her own. I think the one below is hers. Sadly I forgot to take a picture of her green man (whoā€™s not only green, byt rather multicoloured. It hangs in the toilet, where everyone has time to explore his detail šŸ˜‚

Why go to the galery, when I can go visit my friend, hey? Every time I visit her I see something new and exciting!

Letā€™s move to the dining room, where those mushrooms were hiding for the better part of the day. It was a mushroom themed party after all!

Everything was already prepared when I arrived a good hour before the rest of the party people.

I had plenty of time to admire all the detail of this amazin room all by myself.

Fully stacked bar of course - Lalehā€™s style. I canā€™t saty we drank much at all, cause it was a different party alltogether, but I do love to admire the detail of everything. There are no misplaced objects hereā€¦ at least not before the party šŸ˜‰

Mushroom cake was of course the centre of everyoneā€™s attention. The local bakery did a really good job considering it was rather an unusual order šŸ˜

But first! We enjoyed the dinner of course. Laleh is pretty versitile in her talents. Amazing designer, dancer, artist and cook too!

And the there was THE CAKE!

Birthday boy first gave a cute, colourful mushroom to each participant! I chose a tiny one - my new diet doesnā€™t allow white carbs and while I spoil myself with some ā€˜illegal foodā€™ every now and again, I make a point to only do it occassionally and in small quantities.

Finally the knife went IN!

Despite my cries for the smallest possible slice of cake I ended up with this MONSTER of a slice. I meanā€¦ you saw the height of this cakeā€¦ it was impossible to make the slice really small.

He also didnā€™t want to spoilt the work of art that those mushrooms were and I ended up with the whole family of them on my plate!

I want to say that I ate it all, but that would be a lie! I ate maybe 1/4 of it and asked for a doggy bag to take with me.

Once the party was over, Laleh and I had another party to attendā€¦ In London! Who cares that the weather was horrendous? It was literally pouring buckets of rain, but for the dancing addict like Laleh and I there is not much that can stop us from getting our fix!

So of we went to our dancing heaven and danced the rest of the night awayā€¦ I must say that the mushroom cake went down really well after the salsa party was over and many of my friends were craving some sugar we burned a lot of that night!

Then the same on Sundayā€¦

Happy weekend to all of you mushroom lovers šŸ˜

Until next time šŸ’™


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