FungiFriday - To eat or not to eat

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I know that some people will not go pick wild forest mushrooms. And that is ok - better be safe than sorry, as those little fellas can be deadly.
And there are also those who pick almost everything there is, even if it looks like it would kill you just by looking at it.

And then there is me :) The one that picks maybe 2 or 3 types, because I know them since I was a kid and I know how to spot the bad ones among them. The rest I will shoot. Edible or not.
And I am aware that I will probably leave behind lots of tasty ones. But that's ok too. I always come back home with a few delicious ones.

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This is the delicious (top and bottom photo) guy I am talking about. Eat that! Fry it, cook it, and add it to a sauce or soup. Yum yum!

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And stay away from this one. That much I know :p

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Do not eat any of these. Definitely.
But then again... if you really, REALLY want to, who is going to stop you? :p

The last one, I have no idea. I would just leave it where it is.

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Time for some bonus shots of a stump I found near the double mushrooms.
Lovely, rotten piece of wood covered in lichens.

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Falling apart bit by bit. Years of hot sun, wind, rain and lichens and it looks like a skeleton.
So pretty!

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How to join #FungiFriday:

  • when Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images or text!)
  • add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)
  • Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.

Happy FungiFriday!

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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