Fungi Friday: Stuck to a tree.

Real original there with the title, quiet you it's fungi time 😀

I was wandering around the woods as usual and these fungi were stuck to a tree. An app is telling me it's Violet-toothed polypore and seems to match my photos. They tell me it's a part of the decomposition of the forest. Well, a forest is a living being so that makes sense to me.

Can you guess where on the tree it was? About eye level so I didn't need to look way up this time but I did contort myself to get some fun angles.

#TeamEyeLevel and not #TeamLookUp this time. Fine with me.


So this is what I initially saw that caught my attention. Curled down on themselves. Maybe they need a good laugh from the @lolzbot. They always make me smile.


I then pressed myself right up on the tree to get the juicy closeup. Looking upward to get the fungi in the shot but also trying to capture some of the lovely foliage colors too. Mission accomplished says I.

Now this is me being fancy.


Let's focus on tree in the distance and blur out the fungi for a moment. Aw yeah that's the ticket.


Ok, stop messing around and focus on the job at hand. A side angle with some nice colors in the background.

I'll never know if the photos turn out until I see the end product back at the buffalo photo lab. Not too many blurry pictures this time and my trick is to take lots of photos just in case. Delete all the poor ones later.

Another #FungiFriday in the can, I hope you have a good one. Thanks for reading!

My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

My dearest bovine friend you ask, how may I join this exciting community? I have all the details for you my fungi loving friend. The guidelines are easy to follow and if I can do it so can you. I'll be seeing you soon enough I'm sure!

  • How to join #FungiFriday

  • When Friday comes (UTC time) post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi

  • Add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)

  • Include "My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw" anywhere in your post.

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