October of this year was a good month for mushrooms here where I live. In this contribution to FungiFriday by @ewkaw, you'll see a couple of species I found around Medulin, my hometown, on the way to the supermarket and back.


Not all mushrooms were found on the same day. The encounters happened on three different occasions in October. Have a good viewing.

The 3rd of October was a warm and sunny day. It felt like summer, but the presence of fungi was a clear sign that autumn has arrived. Here you can see a very picturesque group of mushrooms ...


... that grew in a cave-like place ...


... inside the trunk of an old tree situated in one of the gardens in the old town, not far from the main square and my neighborhood. Can't tell you what kind of tree this is...


... and when it comes to the mushrooms, my ignorance is practically the same. They look a bit like the Armillaria mellea but then, they don't look exactly like that species. They also look a bit like the Cyclocybe aegerita but then again, I see some differences as well.


This photograph was taken a bit further down the road that leads to the supermarkets on the outskirts of Medulin.

After some more walking, always downhill, I came across another interesting tree ...

... with another interesting cavity in its trunk. This time, I haven't found any mushrooms there.

Just this lovely succulent plant.

After taking this photograph, I put the camera back into the bag and continued straight to the supermarket.


Ten days later, early in the morning, I visited the same supermarket, and I spent some time in the small park between the parking lot and the road ...

... because I noticed a group of Coprinus comatus mushrooms.

The morning traffic was passing me by ...

... while I was photographing these cool, edible mushrooms.


A bit later, inside the store, while walking between the shelves filled with colorful stuff ...


... I found more mushrooms.

These packaged fungi weren't visually interesting but I photographed them anyway because I thought back then, on the 13th of October, that these supermarket mushrooms could add a bit of unexpectedness to my usual fungi-themed posts. Today, I can tell you that I couldn't agree more with the thought process of that me from two months ago.


On the 26th of October ...


... in the neighborhood called Munida, about a kilometer from where I live and only two hundred meters from the supermarkets on the edge of town ...


... I was surprised and amazed by the sudden appearance of many mushrooms on the narrow lawns by the side of the road.


Although the mushrooms were numerous, when it comes to diversity, I found only two species on that occasion.

These small white ones that I wasn't able to identify ...


... and the considerably bigger Suillus collinitus boletes.


I found a couple of species that look more or less like these white mushrooms shown here, but I'm far from being sure if any of those species is shown in my photographs.


These could be the Hygrophorus eburneus. Or the Clitopilus prunulus. Or the Clitocybe candicans. Or something else.


I don't know what else to say here ...


... but I have a few more photographs to show, so ...

... I'll try to come up with something.

Here, ad example, you can see the sponge-like structure under the Suillus collinitus cap.

In this photograph, the focus is on one of those unidentified pale mushrooms at its early stage.



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