Fungi Friday macrophotography of the type of mushroom in the shape of a cup.


hello dear friends how are you guys on this most special Friday.. the day we have been waiting for has arrived again, for all of us who love mushrooms, we are sure to gather here in this extraordinary #fungfriday community..

here's my contribution to #fungfriday hosted by @ewkaw

On this Friday special, I will show you the types of mushrooms that are cup-shaped, and the large ones that grow in oil palm gardens.


a few days ago before Friday arrived, I received an offer to clean up the oil palm plantations belonging to local farmers, because oil palm plantations are a place where many types of mushrooms grow, I don't want to miss the opportunity I got t



As soon as I want to go to the oil palm plantation that I want to clean, I have prepared my smartphone and macro lens in a small bag, which I often take with me wherever I go...



as soon as I arrived at the oil palm plantation, I immediately saw this small mushroom in the shape of a cup,

I haven't cleaned the oil palm plantation first, which I captured... the owner of the garden said if you are cool to take pictures of mushrooms when will this garden be ready... hehehe... I'll answer it....

I was having fun taking these pictures, suddenly I saw the same type of mushroom again, but the mushroom had hair all over its body..





this is the mushroom I mean that has hair all over its body. this one is no less interesting, with the mushrooms above that I mentioned earlier, after I took some pictures of the mushrooms, I immediately started working on cleaning up the oil palm plantation...






at that time it was noon
there are only a few palm trees that are not ready to be cleaned, suddenly I see a fairly large type of mushroom, but I don't know what type of mushroom thi


I was a little surprised by this mushroom, because the smell of the mushroom is slightly different from other types of mushrooms, you can see this mushroom is quite large,

and the one wearing the blue shirt, is the one who owns an oil palm plantation, he is cleaning the palm fronds that I just finished cutting using dodos..


that's what the last mushroom picture looks like, it's more than a span of my finger,

that's all I can describe on this special Friday, I hope you all enjoy the view of the mushrooms that I show this time..


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