Love and light. ❤️& 💡

Love is meant to be shown in simple gestures while coming in contact with people. It's presence is supposed to be felt by people around it.
So does light

Light illuminates every where, it brings life and color back to a dark world. Light births motion and action.
Love and light can be abused when not put into practice. Love and light are attributes that shouldn't be hidden. These attributes are to be showcased for the people around us to know.

Look round there are people suffering

Wishing people well, and sending blessings their way can make a great impact, in ways you can’t even imagine. Even a couple of minutes thinking of someone, sending loving vibes and or wishing someone well can support people in changing and healing, and aligning with their true soul path.

Staying positive, and holding that energy of love, encouragement, compassion, and joy helps people stand strong in the face of any negativity. Miracles happen all the time, and it only takes one person that can radiate a lot of hope, love, peace, and magic to help others release the past, have faith in the future, and heal the present. Sending love and light, vibrant light is the most adorable thing you can do for someone who needs it

Send love and light to someone in need today.

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