Hivelist Holidays Sale Starts Black Friday Through New Years Eve


We are excited to be doing the holidays right this year! We are holding a big 20% sale on all digital and allot of our physical print on demand products on the store! You can buy everything from hats and accessories, to shoes, clothing, and even artwork!

Coupon Code Is Activated Friday

We have set the coupon code, 'hivelistholidays', to activate at midnight, Central Time, on Black Friday morning. So if you are on the other side of the world from the US, then you might want to check back later in the day.

You will go shopping in either the digital products and or the 'Holiday Sale' category and do your shopping, then use the that coupon code at checkout to get your 20% discount!

Check Out What's On Sale

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Right on the home page of the Hivelist Store you will see a section promoting our holiday sale with a link to the full holiday category!

Our entire Digital Products category is on sale, including @thelogicaldude 's new Logical Trading Indicator V.2! That's a big ticket item that you will be able to score a good discount on!

Then we have our full line of Hivelist Fulfilled print-on-demand products! Check and get some Hive swag as well as @risingstargame merch, @stickupboys merch, @hive-pizza merch from @dibblers.dabs, #weedcash merch, and more! We even have some Hivelist merch on sale if you want to support your favorite ecommerce platform and promote our alternative economy!

We also have some really great designs from some awesome Hive artists, that we purchased the licenses via NFT to use the designs in our store! Come support these artists as they also get a cut of the sales!

Then we also have a bunch of crypto gear! Stickers, shirts, shoes, and other gear! So be sure to check out our full Holiday Sale area and see what catches your eye!

No Fiat Accepted

In the spirit of our industry, we believe that crypto was created to be an opt out of the traditional system, giving people a way to exchange value for value in an alternative economy. So by saying this, we don't want your dirty fiat! We suggest Hive users use $HBD as it is valued at 1:1 to the dollar and is the best form of currency that we have out there! We pay out all of our vendors with HBD, so paying with it leads to less transfers and conversions. But we also accept USDC on Polygon only, because who wants to pay ETH gas fees? And then there are the big boy coins like BTC, LTC, BCH, DOGE, XMR, and MATIC.

All coins other than HBD will be converted eventually to stablecoins to pay product and shipping expenses, and then ultimately to HBD to pay our designers and vendors.

We invite you to join our alternative, crypto based economy for the holidays and do your shopping at the Hivelist Store! Oh, did we mention we in store have gift cards available so you can give the gift of Hivelist to someone in your family and get them introduced to what we are building!

Keep calm and Hive on! - main info site - blockchain classifieds/NFTs/DEFI Pool - multi-vendor e-commerce retail store and professional services marketplace

If you like our work, please support our developer by voting for @thelogicaldude on Tribaldex with your WORKERBEE power!


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