Rory Laird Original | Throwback @ Lawrence KS 2008 | Take Me Down by the Riverside

Throwback Video 001/015

This one has a really cool history. Back in the post-army/Lawrence days, I was a part of a group of musician that called ourselves the Treble Clef Junction Workshop. Most nights, we would get together and just kinda go around the circle taking turns playing songs - sort of like I've seen Anke and Steve and others do - but once a month or so we'd do a challenge (actually identical to the Hive Songwriters Guild challenge I tried to get going a few months ago). Each month a different member of the group would choose a topic, and all other members would choose a name or word. Then you all got two weeks to write a song based on the given theme, and including all the words that were submitted.
So this song was completely written to satisfy the challenge one month. I know "proliferate" was one of the mandatory words (from Adam M), "Mary Haggus" was a name that was to be included (from Brock G), and I think "down by the riverside" was the given theme. There were other words of course...I can't remember off-hand what they were, but I know I never once cheated the assignment, so they're all in there!
Take me down by the riverside
Let me take a look for what I have been told I would find out there I sit down and frown by the riverside
I came to find peace cuz the world is making me pull out my hair
Well Mary Haggus she won't talk to me,
She will only see what she wants, to believe, so
Take me down by the riverside,
Let me take a look for what I have been told I would find out there I sit now and frown by the riverside
I came to find peace cuz the world is making me pull out my hair
You call it pain and I call it a cover up,
You say it proliferates and I say it only waits
You say you're foraging and I say you're out for a walk, You're out for a wa-lk so,
Take me down by the riverside,
Let me take a look for what I have been told I would find out there I sit now and frown by the riverside
I came to find peace cuz the world is making me pull out my hair
It's making me, it's making me, ... it's making me pull out my hair.

R. Laird 2008

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