Rory Laird Original | Throwback @ Lawrence KS 2007 | I

Throwback Video 005/015

This was actually one of the first songs I wrote; it was written during my second tour overseas with the army. Looking back on this video and remembering what the song sounded like in its early days, I think I disagree with 2007 Rory...the original was slower and certainly had its merit, but this is where I was at in 2007, and it's the only existing recording of this song that I know of, so in this case I guess I've just got to take what I can get!
The premise of this song was that I wanted, at probably about the ripe old age of 21, to reflect on the things I'd been through over the last few years in the military, I think to try to find a human element to give meaning to these experiences, and to remember that even in the worst of times, good memories were also made, there was still love and kindness, even in a world seemingly filled with pain and death.
I've seen angels on their knees, cryin' in the sun
I've seen devils laughin' jokin' playin' cards and havin' fun
I've seen strong men die, from smokin' cigarettes I still smoke every day and so far I've no regrets
I've seen sandstorms jump right up and swallow all the sun
I've seen a little boy cryin', he got made fun of by everyone (I don't know why, he was a cool kid)
I've seen the tall grass bow down, and weep before the rain
I've seen the setting sun hide behind black clouds just waiting to refrain
I've held the hand of a third world girl, who couldn't wear no shoes
I've fought in war those men who gave their lives it was all that they had to lose
I've slept at night and dreamt of home, underneath the stars

I've sat down a thousand times and explained a thousand scars I---I
When my sky starts falling down and my umbrella's closed on me, Take a look into my dreams, and tell me what you see
I'll take my strings up to the heavens, and play for thee thy song And I'll sing thee down to sleep, even though I'm gone
R. Laird 2007
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