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My journey breaking the never ending weightloss struggle.

As a tall 1.8m woman with very strong Dutch genes I have always been on the "bigger size". Always the tallest, always the biggest.
It feels to me as if my weight was an issue for most of my life. I started my first "healthy" diet at 16 years of age and lost a massive 25kg. That felt good, I felt good... but that also started the lifelong obsession with weight ever since. With my all or nothing, strong willed mentality it always lasted not longer than a week before the wheels would come of and the regret and self hate would kick in. The scale would continue to go up kike a see-saw and down on a weekly basis as I am chasing that feel good feeling loosing a ton of weight. But the truth is, the older you get, the harder it it to loose the weight. Not even mentioning having twins and juggling a very busy life as teacher and musician and don'tforget ...COVID. I started running 4 years ago as a start to a healthier life after giving birth. Later I realised that the running became my escape, my alone time away from being a mom, two babies, a wife and a teacher and the deep breathing helped my anxiety so much that it is safe to say I'm addicted to my running.
In 2 weeks time I will run my second marathon and managing eating healthy when I can as often as I can. "Do what you can with what you have"
I am slowly learning not to be obsessed about a number on the scale but to focus more on being healthy, happy and strong.
Follow me on my journey as I learn more about healthy eating, staying fit and just surviving on a day to day basis in this crazy world of ours.